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Thursday 6 October 2011

Too Little Oxygen to the Cells: The No 1 Cause of Cancer?

Cancer is one of the most frightening diseases that we as a species face today. Almost everyone has experienced the devastating impact of cancer; either first hand or from having watched a friend or loved one that suffered at the hands of this deadly disease. And yet despite the threat posed by cancer, despite the thousands who die from it each and every year, the modern medical community blatantly ignores information about the cause of cancer that has been known for almost 80 years.

How and Why Cancer Cells Form

The cause of cancer has been known since 1931 when renowned scientist Dr. Warburg won the Nobel Prize for making the startling discovery that whenever healthy, normal cells are deprived of 60% of their oxygen, they turn cancerous in an attempt to survive.

Normal cells generate energy through the process of respiration using oxygen. When cells are damaged by the buildup of carcinogens and other toxic chemicals, however, the respiratory enzymes are blocked and oxygen levels drop, which forces the cell to revert to a primitive survival mechanism: fermentation. Through the fermentation of sugars and the energy that this process provides, the damaged cell is able to continue to survive. But it's an imperfect existence.

Cells that rely on fermentation for energy become trapped in a vicious cycle of survival where all they can do is use their limited energy to divide and multiply in a bid to survive. They essentially become "dumb" cells that can no longer perform the function for which they were originally intended, nor can they communicate with the rest of the body. And as they divide and multiply, they produce excess toxins in the form of lactic acid, which prevents the transport of oxygen to neighboring cells, further exacerbating the problem.

Cure Cancer Naturally by Raising Oxygen Levels

Based on Dr. Warburg's research, the natural course of treatment for cancer would seem to be to raise oxygen levels in the cells of the body, thereby preventing them from becoming cancerous. Raising oxygen levels in cells that are already cancerous would also kill them and help to reduce cancer to a more manageable level so that the body's immune system can fight back more effectively.

Unfortunately, modern medicine has chosen to take a completely different route in "treating" cancer, if you can even call it that. Rather than addressing the root problem (lack of oxygen), they instead flood the body with toxic chemicals in the form of chemotherapy and radiation, which ultimately damages the respiratory enzymes in healthy cells and leads many of them to turn into cancer. In other words, the very treatment that is supposed to "cure" cancer, damages the body so profoundly as to leave it vulnerable to developing even more cancer cells!

A more effective treatment would be to help naturally raise your own oxygen levels by avoiding many of the harmful carcinogens, toxins and other pollutions that damage cells and cause cancer in the first place. This means avoiding or at least limiting exposure to:

Food - excitotoxins, herbicides, pesticides, agricultural chemicals, food emulsifiers, food stabilizers, artificial flavoring and colorings, preservatives, additives, refined sugar and table salt.Air - household sprays, pollens, dust mites, polluted air, toxic fumes, cleaning supplies, tobacco smoke, perfumes or stale and stagnant air.Water - industrial pollution, chemicals, rusts, heavy metals, chlorine, bacteria and water contaminated with inorganic minerals.Medical Treatments - low quality supplements, vaccinations, artificial hormones, antibiotics, chemotherapy or non-prescription and prescription drugs, which are all major poisons.Dental Treatments - fluoride treatments, braces, implants, acrylic dentures, root canals and mercury amalgam fillings.Radiation - UV radiation, CAT scans, MRI scans, ultra-sound scans, gamma rays, x-rays, cell phones, electromagnetic gadgets, microwave ovens, television waves, radio waves and radiotherapy.Household - laundry supplies, non-stick cookware, aluminum pots, gas stoves, moth balls, all kinds of household sprays, cleaning agents, heating systems, new asbestos ceilings, new carpets, varnishes and new paints.Personal Care Items - hair dyes, cosmetics that contain lead, nail polish, toothpaste, deodorants, shampoos, soaps and perfumes.

Avoiding all of these will significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer and help to promote a healthy immune system.

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