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Thursday 6 October 2011

Geopathic Stress - Is Excessive Exposure Contributing to Cancer?

Geopathic stress has been linked to cancer through numerous studies dating back more than 60 years and yet most people are unaware of this dangerous phenomenon. If you're unfamiliar with the term, it simply refers to the unhealthy energy generated by the Earth as well as man-made sources.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geopathic stress takes the form of natural radiation that literally rises up from the Earth. This radiation is distorted by underground cavities, fault lines, certain mineral concentrations and subterranean running water, all of which create weak electromagnetic fields. When the wavelengths of the natural occurring radiation become distorted in this way, they become a danger to any living organism, even humans.

It is also generated by the electromagnetic energy fields that are given off by many forms of modern technology such as radio or telecommunication towers, radar, transformers and electricity pylons.

Cancer Connection

The connection between geopathic stress and many serious physical and psychological conditions is not idle speculation; it is scientific fact. It has even been linked through numerous studies to cancer, despite the fact that it does not directly cause the disease. Instead, geopathic stress is responsible for dramatically weakening the body, which leaves it susceptible to the development and spread of cancer.

In fact, extensive studies have shown that more than 85% of patients who die from cancer had regular, verifiable exposure to this kind of stress, whether natural or man-made, including a study conducted by Dr. Hager, M.D. who discovered that geopathic stress was present in all 5,348 of the cancer cases he examined.

Exposure also causes chronic fatigue, immune deficiency disorders, attention deficit disorder, cardiovascular deficiency, restless sleep, irritability, sudden signs of physical aging, headaches and other chronic body pains. It has even been linked to infertility and miscarriages.

Avoiding Geopathic Stress

As serious and disturbing as the effects are, these dangerous energy zones can be avoided. The most obvious areas are those near conjunctions of high power lines, fuse boxes, electrical street poles or satellite towers. But you should also be aware of many other physical indicators of this deadly energy.

For example, cats are drawn to this energy and will actually seek out zones of geopathic stress in which to sleep. Many common pests like ants, termites and wasps are also drawn to areas of geopathic stress. Bare patches in your lawn, moss, fungi or mutated or stunted growth in your vegetable garden are also signs to look for. In addition, children are particularly sensitive to these dangerous energy zones and you will often find in the morning that they have unconsciously tucked themselves up and away from geopathic stress zones.

Fortunately, those who have suffered from the dangerous effects often make dramatic recoveries once their home or workplace is neutralized, because their bodies are no longer being bombarded by dangerous energy. This allows the body to begin the work of naturally repairing and healing itself.

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