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Thursday 6 October 2011

Exercise For Cancer Patients - The New Wonder Drug

We know that being active is good for healthy adults, now there's important news on exercise for cancer patients. A new report out of a leading U.K. cancer support organization finds that being active helps cancer patients cut the chances of experiencing side effects from treatment, as well as impacting the chances their cancer will come back.

All it takes is 150 minutes of moderately intense activity a week, the amount often recommended as the minimum level of activity for seeing benefits.

The latest report offers four important conclusions:

1. Women with breast cancer can see a 40% reduction in risk of recurrence or dying by getting 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise weekly.

2. People with bowel cancer can get an up to 50% reduction in the chance of recurrence and death from the disease with significant amounts of exercise - about 6 hours of moderately intensive activity weekly.

3. Prostate cancer sufferers can cut their chances of dying from this disease by 30% by getting the recommended level of activity each week.

4. All cancer sufferers can cut their risk of treatment side effects (fatigue, depression, osteoporosis, heart disease) by getting the recommended amount of moderately intense exercise each week.

To be moderately intense, the activity must have you moving briskly, with breathing that is quicker and deeper but allows you to carry on a conversation. Your face may be flushed and your heart will be beating faster than normal, but not racing.

While there's no one exercise that's right for everyone, consider some of these - biking, swimming, brisk walking, jogging are all great ways to get your body moving and your blood pumping. Of course activity around the house such as housework and cutting the grass can do the same thing.

Those who are currently undergoing cancer treatment will need to adjust their activity level to how they feel each day of course. Do what you feel up to... and if nothing else, try not to be inactive on your good days. You don't have to work out like a world class athlete either... take a walk to the mailbox, play with your pet or enjoy a game of golf... any activity is good activity.

If you, or someone you love, is a cancer patient/survivor don't underestimate the value of being active on a regular basis. Cancer organizations such as the U.K.'s Macmillan Cancer Support believe people suffering from cancer would be amazed at the incredible benefits the recommended level of physical activity can bring them. If being active were a new medication, the benefits to cancer patients would make headlines.

Experts are now coming to believe that being active on a regular basis should become a part of cancer care. So rather than resting and taking it easy... exercise for cancer patients is now recommended. Even just a little bit of movement is better than no activity at all. You'll find that being active helps to boost your energy... cuts feelings of stress and anxiety... helps your bones and heart stay strong... cuts the risk of a dangerous blood clot, and of course, helps to keep your weight under control.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on how exercise for cancer patients can be beneficial to overall health.

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Geopathic Stress - Is Excessive Exposure Contributing to Cancer?

Geopathic stress has been linked to cancer through numerous studies dating back more than 60 years and yet most people are unaware of this dangerous phenomenon. If you're unfamiliar with the term, it simply refers to the unhealthy energy generated by the Earth as well as man-made sources.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geopathic stress takes the form of natural radiation that literally rises up from the Earth. This radiation is distorted by underground cavities, fault lines, certain mineral concentrations and subterranean running water, all of which create weak electromagnetic fields. When the wavelengths of the natural occurring radiation become distorted in this way, they become a danger to any living organism, even humans.

It is also generated by the electromagnetic energy fields that are given off by many forms of modern technology such as radio or telecommunication towers, radar, transformers and electricity pylons.

Cancer Connection

The connection between geopathic stress and many serious physical and psychological conditions is not idle speculation; it is scientific fact. It has even been linked through numerous studies to cancer, despite the fact that it does not directly cause the disease. Instead, geopathic stress is responsible for dramatically weakening the body, which leaves it susceptible to the development and spread of cancer.

In fact, extensive studies have shown that more than 85% of patients who die from cancer had regular, verifiable exposure to this kind of stress, whether natural or man-made, including a study conducted by Dr. Hager, M.D. who discovered that geopathic stress was present in all 5,348 of the cancer cases he examined.

Exposure also causes chronic fatigue, immune deficiency disorders, attention deficit disorder, cardiovascular deficiency, restless sleep, irritability, sudden signs of physical aging, headaches and other chronic body pains. It has even been linked to infertility and miscarriages.

Avoiding Geopathic Stress

As serious and disturbing as the effects are, these dangerous energy zones can be avoided. The most obvious areas are those near conjunctions of high power lines, fuse boxes, electrical street poles or satellite towers. But you should also be aware of many other physical indicators of this deadly energy.

For example, cats are drawn to this energy and will actually seek out zones of geopathic stress in which to sleep. Many common pests like ants, termites and wasps are also drawn to areas of geopathic stress. Bare patches in your lawn, moss, fungi or mutated or stunted growth in your vegetable garden are also signs to look for. In addition, children are particularly sensitive to these dangerous energy zones and you will often find in the morning that they have unconsciously tucked themselves up and away from geopathic stress zones.

Fortunately, those who have suffered from the dangerous effects often make dramatic recoveries once their home or workplace is neutralized, because their bodies are no longer being bombarded by dangerous energy. This allows the body to begin the work of naturally repairing and healing itself.

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Too Little Oxygen to the Cells: The No 1 Cause of Cancer?

Cancer is one of the most frightening diseases that we as a species face today. Almost everyone has experienced the devastating impact of cancer; either first hand or from having watched a friend or loved one that suffered at the hands of this deadly disease. And yet despite the threat posed by cancer, despite the thousands who die from it each and every year, the modern medical community blatantly ignores information about the cause of cancer that has been known for almost 80 years.

How and Why Cancer Cells Form

The cause of cancer has been known since 1931 when renowned scientist Dr. Warburg won the Nobel Prize for making the startling discovery that whenever healthy, normal cells are deprived of 60% of their oxygen, they turn cancerous in an attempt to survive.

Normal cells generate energy through the process of respiration using oxygen. When cells are damaged by the buildup of carcinogens and other toxic chemicals, however, the respiratory enzymes are blocked and oxygen levels drop, which forces the cell to revert to a primitive survival mechanism: fermentation. Through the fermentation of sugars and the energy that this process provides, the damaged cell is able to continue to survive. But it's an imperfect existence.

Cells that rely on fermentation for energy become trapped in a vicious cycle of survival where all they can do is use their limited energy to divide and multiply in a bid to survive. They essentially become "dumb" cells that can no longer perform the function for which they were originally intended, nor can they communicate with the rest of the body. And as they divide and multiply, they produce excess toxins in the form of lactic acid, which prevents the transport of oxygen to neighboring cells, further exacerbating the problem.

Cure Cancer Naturally by Raising Oxygen Levels

Based on Dr. Warburg's research, the natural course of treatment for cancer would seem to be to raise oxygen levels in the cells of the body, thereby preventing them from becoming cancerous. Raising oxygen levels in cells that are already cancerous would also kill them and help to reduce cancer to a more manageable level so that the body's immune system can fight back more effectively.

Unfortunately, modern medicine has chosen to take a completely different route in "treating" cancer, if you can even call it that. Rather than addressing the root problem (lack of oxygen), they instead flood the body with toxic chemicals in the form of chemotherapy and radiation, which ultimately damages the respiratory enzymes in healthy cells and leads many of them to turn into cancer. In other words, the very treatment that is supposed to "cure" cancer, damages the body so profoundly as to leave it vulnerable to developing even more cancer cells!

A more effective treatment would be to help naturally raise your own oxygen levels by avoiding many of the harmful carcinogens, toxins and other pollutions that damage cells and cause cancer in the first place. This means avoiding or at least limiting exposure to:

Food - excitotoxins, herbicides, pesticides, agricultural chemicals, food emulsifiers, food stabilizers, artificial flavoring and colorings, preservatives, additives, refined sugar and table salt.Air - household sprays, pollens, dust mites, polluted air, toxic fumes, cleaning supplies, tobacco smoke, perfumes or stale and stagnant air.Water - industrial pollution, chemicals, rusts, heavy metals, chlorine, bacteria and water contaminated with inorganic minerals.Medical Treatments - low quality supplements, vaccinations, artificial hormones, antibiotics, chemotherapy or non-prescription and prescription drugs, which are all major poisons.Dental Treatments - fluoride treatments, braces, implants, acrylic dentures, root canals and mercury amalgam fillings.Radiation - UV radiation, CAT scans, MRI scans, ultra-sound scans, gamma rays, x-rays, cell phones, electromagnetic gadgets, microwave ovens, television waves, radio waves and radiotherapy.Household - laundry supplies, non-stick cookware, aluminum pots, gas stoves, moth balls, all kinds of household sprays, cleaning agents, heating systems, new asbestos ceilings, new carpets, varnishes and new paints.Personal Care Items - hair dyes, cosmetics that contain lead, nail polish, toothpaste, deodorants, shampoos, soaps and perfumes.

Avoiding all of these will significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer and help to promote a healthy immune system.

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Curing Cancer Is Easy - The Simple Truth Your Doctor Can't Tell You

We all know how deadly cancer is. None of us get through this life without getting cancer ourselves or losing loved ones and friends to it. Yes, cancer is indeed leading to dozens of deaths, even as you read this, but it is leading to these deaths in a way that you are not being told about.

The real cause of the millions of cancer deaths that take place every year are being directly caused by the very people who are supposed to be providing a cure - the doctors. Curing cancer is big business and these supposed "healers" are profiting from it, left and right. Unfortunately, they rarely, if ever, bring about a cure for patients. In fact, the techniques that physicians are using to treat cancer are actually bringing about death.

Cancer - Another Look At This Killer Disease

Physicians and researchers have long looked at cancer the wrong way. They see cancer as a condition. When this condition is detected in a patient, they go to great lengths to stop it. Unfortunately, cancer is not a condition, it is a symptom. The body has built in mechanisms that are designed to get rid of excess toxins. After years of being exposed to toxins in our food, air and water, the body's natural defenses will do exactly what they are supposed to do - attack the toxins and isolate them to prevent further damage to your system. In essence, a tumor is nothing more than a contained lump of these toxins that your body is keeping from being circulated through the bloodstream.

So now your physician notices one of these contained units of toxins and decides that the best treatment for curing cancer is going to be a biopsy. The doctor is going to order tests that rely on puncturing this isolated container of toxins. So what happens when they do their biopsy and lance the tumor? Of course, the tumor bursts and leaks toxins into your body. All of the work that your body has done to keep itself protected is destroyed in one, fell swoop.

Instead of helping the cancer patient, biopsies and surgeries that, hack at these tumors, end up releasing years worth of built up toxins into the bloodstream. How many people do you know who had cancer (most likely for years before it was ever discovered), only to go through surgery and then die within a year? This kind of nonsense happens every day, and it doesn't need to.

Embracing Body's Self-Healing Mechanism

Physicians need to work with the body's natural process for getting rid of toxins. Instead of ordering tests and surgeries that do nothing more than release toxins that the body's healing mechanisms have isolated, they need to first see how tumors really work and then introduce nutrients to the body that will help it to get rid of these toxins naturally.

Curing cancer should build on the work that the body's natural defenses are already doing. The symptom of too many toxins is cancerous tumors. Instead of thwarting the efforts of the body's natural defenses with surgery, or chemotherapy, doctors need to assist the body in removing these built up toxicities naturally. Change will only come when physicians look away from cancer as a condition and see it for what it really is - a symptom of excessive toxins in the human body.

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The Secret Within You That Can Cure Cancer

Most people fail to realize just how remarkable our innate healing abilities are. It's not just common colds that our bodies are capable of fighting off, but deadly diseases as well; even cancer cannot withstand the natural healing power of our own bodies.

Unfortunately, we often make the mistake of interfering with these natural healing processes despite the fact that our bodies already employ healing techniques that are light years ahead of even the most sophisticated technology and medicine available today. As a result, we needlessly suffer more than we would have had we simply left our bodies to work their healing magic.

The Truth about Modern Medicine

Practitioners of western medicine are trained to address the symptoms of the diseases and ailments that we suffer from rather than the root cause of the problem. For example, many people suffer from chronic dehydration because they simply do not consume enough water in their daily lives.

When the body becomes dehydrated, it takes steps to reduce water loss. One of the first steps it takes is to create histamines that constrict the bronchial tubes, which results in making it more difficult to breath. Doctors often interpret this as asthma and prescribe anti-histamines that relax the bronchial tubes and exacerbate the problem, leaving the patient more dehydrated than before!

This is only one example of how modern medicine interferes with the natural healing processes of the body and fortunately, the results are generally not life threatening in this particular case. But western medicine also misdiagnoses virtually all expressions of physiology such as cancer, and the "treatments" they use such as chemotherapy and radiation are far more devastating than the diseases they seek to treat.

Western doctors don't realize that cancer is simply the body's way of expressing that there is an imbalance in the body, which, in the case of cancer, is caused by cellular miscommunication. That imbalance can be corrected through simple changes in diet, mental state, environment and exposure to sunlight rather than flooding the body with the poisonous toxins used in chemotherapy.

Unleash Your Natural Healing Ability

Our bodies are true miracles of nature; they don't need the help of modern medicines to heal, they do that automatically around the clock on their own with no intervention whatsoever from us. Your body does not require you to flood it with chemicals and unnatural therapies; it simply needs you to be more responsible in avoiding all of the toxins that we encounter in everyday life so that it can heal itself.

This means that you should avoid unnecessary pharmaceuticals, MSG, artificial sweeteners or any other processed food ingredients. You should also avoid harmful chemicals found in cosmetics and personal care products as well as those found in lawn care products and household cleaners. Finally, you should also avoid any meat products that come from animals which have been pumped full of antibiotics and hormones.

Unleashing your natural healing ability is actually a very simple process. Remember, your body is already a miraculous, self-healing organism. You simply need to learn how to not interfere with your innate healing ability so that your body can take care of itself.

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Curing Cancer - Chemotherapy Is A Killer Not A Cure

Cancer is a plague on the face of the Earth. Think about the millions of people that are killed by cancer every year and the multi-millions of loved ones whose lives are affected as a result. Chemotherapy is currently the most popular method for "curing cancer", but is it really a cure?

A closer look at this methodology, so commonly used all over the world as a supposed cancer cure, reveals a very different truth altogether. Many patients, in desperate, life or death situations, are given a prescription for chemotherapy that ends up being a very real death sentence, instead of offering the cure that they are in search of.

Death Doesn't Bring Healing

The whole concept of how chemotherapy works is illogical to the point that it would be funny if the stakes were not so high. Chemotherapy drugs work by bringing the host of the cancerous cells (the cancer patient), so close to the point of death that the cancer cells are forced to die. Imagine trying to rid a vegetable garden of a few weeds by bombarding it with harsh, death causing poisons.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't expect any of the vegetables in that garden to survive, let alone consume any that did. Yet that same bill of goods is being sold to cancer patients and their families every single day. Physicians and hospitals promise to rid patients of cancer by introducing deadly chemicals into their bodies. It kind of goes against the "First, do no harm" clause of the Hippocratic Oath, doesn't it?

Curing Cancer - The Live Giving Truth

Real healing for any kind of disease, including cancer, must be based on life giving principles and treatments, not death causing chemicals. Chemotherapy drugs are simply left over mustard gas concoctions that do exactly what they were designed to do - kill! Cancer can be managed, dealt with and cured by simpler, life giving treatments. As you know, vitamins and minerals are available that contribute greatly to our health. Simple intravenous injections of Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide for 12 days wipes out cancer and it only costs a few dollars to do it.

Instead of buying into the deadly chemotherapy that is offered for curing cancer, it is time to wake up and realize that only life giving; healthy treatments can bring true healing for cancer patients. The ruse of chemotherapy has gone on for too long, and it is time for the world to wake up and look at the garbage the government and media are forcing on us as treatments.

These treatments are nothing but ways to expedite death sentences on cancer patients. There are ways to cure cancer, but the government, physicians and the media are not telling you the whole truth about the real cures. It's time to stop the medical industry from draining millions of dollars from cancer patients for expensive chemotherapy treatments that only bring about death as the final result.

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Cesium Chloride: One of the Most Proven and Potent Cancer Cures

Cesium is a highly alkaline mineral that has proven to be effective in treating various forms of cancer. In fact, cesium chloride is so effective that it has been used to successfully treat stage four cancer patients as well as those who suffer from cancers like lymphoma and leukemia, even though the cancer has already metastasized throughout the entire body.

Best of all, it is one of the least expensive cancer cures in the world, unlike chemotherapy and radiation treatments that can leave patients and families financially ruined.

Brief History of Cesium Chloride

Cesium chloride's cancer fighting properties were discovered back in the 1930s when A. Keith Brewer, a physicist, became involved in cancer research and developed a treatment protocol that was based on the potent alkaline mineral. The cancer treatment he developed was so effective that all 30 patients in his trial survived various forms of cancer.

Later trials conducted by another cancer researcher, Dr. H.E. Sartori in 1981 also delivered similar results with one notable exception - all of his patients were considered terminal or "end of life" - in other words, doctors had already written them off, yet Sartori's cancer treatment protocol helped half of his patients survive when modern medicine and all of the supposed advanced cancer cures had failed!

How Cesium Chloride Works

Cancerous cells in the body do not receive enough oxygen because they have a hardened outer membrane that is all but impenetrable. Without sufficient oxygen, these cells cannot oxidize glucose for energy but must instead rely on fermentation to generate the fuel they need to survive. Unfortunately, this process increases the presence of lactic acid, which short-circuits the cell's ability to control cell growth, leading to the rampant, uncontrolled cell growth that is associated with cancer.

Fortunately, cesium chloride has the unique ability to penetrate the hardened membranes of these cancerous cells. After breaching the outer defenses of cancer cells, cesium chloride, with its high alkalinity, raises the cell's pH levels back to normal and prevents the cell from fermenting glucose for energy, which effectively causes the cancerous cells to starve.

Best of all, this treatment protocol only targets cancer cells, not healthy ones unlike the widespread, untargeted devastation that chemotherapy, radiation and other supposed cancer cures cause to any and all cells in their path.

The Most Potent Cancer Cure You Never Heard About

There's a reason why most cancer patients have never heard of cesium chloride, despite the fact that its effectiveness has been known for 80 years - the medical community and drug companies are greedy! They would rather continue pushing ineffective and outrageously expensive toxic chemical treatments rather than accept the fact that an effective, inexpensive cure was found decades ago.

Health practitioners using cesium chloride protocols on their patients have even been attacked by the Medical Community, which means that many patients end up treating themselves. Fortunately, unlike other cancer cures, cesium chloride is a treatment protocol that requires very little supervision or knowledge, which makes it an attractive alternative to the treatments currently being pushed by the mainstream medical community.

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Recommended Diet for Cancer Patients to Follow

Experts believe that following a healthy diet for cancer can be used as an important component of cancer cure. A well-balanced diet and good nutrition give the body proper nutrients and energy required in this battle against the cancerous cells. Here are some general ideas that you can use today in your battle against cancer.

Fruits and Vegetables

No one doubts that eating lots of fruits and vegetables will give your body valuable and useful substances for fighting off cancerous cells. This group of foods are just loaded with minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. Raw vegetables are probably the best, in general, because all the practical chemicals are kept intact for your body to absorb and use.

Fruits such as oranges and lemons contain anti-cancer chemicals that have been shown in studies to stop cancer cells from growing. In addition, fruits and vegetables are rich in anti-oxidants, chemicals that can remove harmful oxygen free radicals that damage the genetic materials in cells, thus leading to cancer formation.


While there is no scientific evidence to show that getting enough water would be beneficial for cancer, it is probably a good idea to do so anyways. Lack of water puts the body under stress. In addition, it does not allow toxins to be flushed away. Experts recommend drinking 8 glasses of water per day. If you don't like drinking water, add some lemon juice in it. There's evidence that citrus fruits like lemon and oranges may be useful in cancer treatment and prevention. Otherwise, just go for fruit juices, preferably the ones with no sugar added.

Protein Sources and Dairy Products

A diet high in proteins such as lean meats, chicken, beans and fish is good for cancer patients. The reason is because they are needed to keep the bone strong and for tissue repair. It is also needed to promote growth and skin repair. This is especially true if individual with cancer is getting chemotherapy or radiation therapy. All forms of conventional cancer therapy also damage the good cells in the body. There is no way around this.

When selecting dairy products, select low-fat products. Consider eating more of low-fat yogurt, milk and cheese rather than those with normal fat contents. Some experts suggest hard cheese such as cheddar or Swiss rather than soft cheese.

Grain Foods

When deciding which type of grains, always select whole grains. This food group is a good source of carbohydrates for those suffering from cancer. Carbohydrates are used by the body for generating energy. Examples of grains include rice, pasta, cereals and breads. Keep away from refined products. Always check the box to ensure that you pick more of whole grains rather than refined grains. For example, choose more of whole grain breads rather than white breads.

Population studies have uncovered that a well balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits seems to cut down the chances of certain types of cancer. While there is no research to clearly prove that following a balanced diet could cure cancer, it does make sense. This will give the body the best chance of getting rid of existing cancer cells and give the patients the energy necessary to survive through these rather difficult times.

Visit Natural Cancer Remedies to find out many natural supplements, vitamins and natural remedies that are used around the world to prevent and treat cancer.

Find out of citrus fruits like lemon is effective for cancer cure. See the article Lemon Cancer Cure to find out the truth.

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Thursday 15 September 2011

Esophagus Cancer: A Devastating Disease In The Esophagus

ByShazer Matiga Dacia

Cancer is often considered as one of the debilitating diseases across the globe. It's so unfortunate that cancer cells can attack almost every healthy cell inside the body. There are different cancers discovered by science that needs to be treated immediately. One of these cancers is esophageal cancer. This disease usually occurs in the esophagus, which is a long, hollow tube that carries the swallowed food in the stomach to be digested. Esophagus cancer often begins in the healthy cells that line within the esophagus. This disease can occur anywhere within the esophagus. Oftentimes, the cancer is often found in the lower portion of the esophagus. Statistically, more men acquire cancer than women. Esophageal cancer is more common in Asian countries and other parts of the Africa. Common signs and symptoms of cancer include fatigue, weight loss, chest pain, pressure or burning sensation in the chest, difficulty in swallowing, fatigue, indigestion, coughing episodes, and frequent choking during meals.

Grounds for developing esophageal cancer

The cause of cancer is still unknown. Esophageal cancer may occur when healthy cells in the esophagus generate errors or mutations in their DNA. These errors can make the cells grow and divide uncontrollably. The accumulated abnormal cells will form a tumor in the esophagus that can develop to attack nearby structures and multiply to other parts of the body. Esophagus cancer is categorized according to the type of cells involved. These types include squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and among others.

Adenocarcinoma starts to develop in the cells of mucus-secreting glands found in the esophagus. They often occur in the lower portion of the esophagus. This type is the most common form in the United States, and it often affects white men.

Squamous cell carcinomas are flat, thin abnormal cells that contour the middle surface of the esophagus. This type is the most common cancer across the globe.

Other rare forms of cancer include lymphoma, choriocarcinoma, melanoma, and sarcoma.

Diagnostic Examinations

There are series of tests to perform in diagnosing esophagus cancer. Some of these tests include endoscopy, x-rays and biopsy. During an endoscopy, the doctor will place a hollow tube with a lens down on the throat reaching the esophagus. The doctor will examine the esophagus and look for areas of irritation. The x-ray of the esophagus, sometimes called barium swallow, is an upper gastrointestinal series done to examine the esophagus. The patient is required to drink a thick liquid that will coat the lining of the esophagus. Then, an x-ray is performed to visualize the lining. The last resort is through biopsy, wherein a special scope will pass the throat into the esophagus and collect a sample of suspicious tissue. Once the patient is diagnosed with esophageal cancer, the doctor will determine the extent of the cancer. The examinations used in staging esophagus cancer include computerized tomography and positron emission tomography.

Treatment Modalities for Esophageal cancer

The treatment options for esophagus cancer will depend on the type of cells involved, the cancer's stage, the overall health status of a person, and the patient's choice of treatment. One of the most used treatments is surgery. When the cancer is too small and is confined only on the superficial layers of the esophagus, the surgeon may recommend removing the cancer and the margin of the healthy tissue surrounding it. Another type of surgery is the removal of a portion of the esophagus that encloses the tumor and the surrounding lymph nodes, while the remaining part of the esophagus is reconnected to the stomach. The surgery may carry a risk of developing serious conditions, such as bleeding, infection, and leakage from the area of operation.

Lifestyle Changes and Remedies

Some of the common symptoms of esophagus cancer include difficulty swallowing, poor appetite, weight loss and weakness. These signs and symptoms may be treated with different cancer management and through diet modifications. Consult the physician for a referral to a nutritionist and dietitian, as they can help find solutions when dealing with the symptoms of esophageal cancer. In the meantime, patients may try eating easy to swallow foods. Also, they are reminded to eat smaller meals more frequently, and maintain nourishing snacks within reach. Lastly, consult the physician about taking vitamin and mineral supplements.

Shazer Matiga Dacia is a long term article writer.

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Malignant and Benign Tumors - Differences and Characteristic Features

BySasi Krishna

The primary fact is when one old cell dies away that cell will be restored through a new cell in place of it. In cancer disease, fresh cells begin to develop, however, there is no need for those cells biologically. The whole of tumors are not fatal in character. Benign tumors are not malignant in nature. They are visible in whichever part of the body, for example, small brownish marks above the skin known as freckles, colored marks known as moles or swollen areas such as lumps. These benign or inoffensive protuberant areas of cancer that do not make any problems, but in other manner to cause some cosmetic problems. By way of surgical processes doctors could displace this sort of benign tumors and some tumors could remain as it is, and it might produce some problems during surgical procedure. The important better thing regarding benign tumors is that they would not enter forcefully or destroy the nearby healthy organs.

The worst thing regarding malignant tumors is that their capability of causing death to the patient who got cancer and they damage the good tissues encompassing the cancer-affected part of the body. Malignant cells of the tumors have no line to the outside of its cells and in addition these tumors also forcefully enter the nearby cells. The cancer is metastasized to the adjacent organs and cells through their roots from any cells they have immediate proximity and also grow swiftly.

Metastasis is the rate of speed of cancer spread. No matter when the patient arrives to test for cancer, the physician will examine the dimension and speed of the cancer spread, to the same degree the cancer might have invaded to the nearby areas in the silent state. In the extremely small levels of invasion, any cancer will not be seen to the eyes or to any visual examinations. Cancer metastasis could not be trailed whenever they are the concealed stages. Moreover cancer staging examination is vital prior to starting application of medicines or any surgical procedures, whether it is x-ray treatment or a surgical method. However, all cancers have shared equal distinguishing feature, as mentioned above, they behave in precise ways of every kind. The handling methods of cancer, the process of examination, and staging methods dissimilar from each other.

Benign tumors are completely unlike to the malignant kind of tumors. Malignant tumors chiefly invade to the lymphatic system and cardiovascular system, on the other hand the benign tumors invade artificially the exterior parts of the body. Benign tumors develop purely at any one area on the other hand malignant
tumors stretch to multiple areas of the body and other adjacent tissues.

To know more about this subject, please visit the following link -

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Cancer Recovery - Should You Exercise After Cancer Surgery?

The answer to this question is yes, no or know. Properly prescribed exercises can be very helpful for a cancer patient in many ways, but there are several exercises that can actually be detrimental to particular cancer patients. Knowing who to go to for guidance is the key to cancer wellness.

The majority of fitness experts have not been trained to work with various cancer survivors. Usually the fitness instructors mean well when prescribing exercises to their client, but without the proper training and knowledge the exercises they recommend could cause lymphedema, dehydration, more fatigue, infections, bone damage, nutritional deficiencies and more. Many cancer patients are prone to lymphedema. Stage 3 lymphedema, also called elephantiasis, is irreversible and the affected limb becomes hard and swollen. Most exercise classes and personal trainers have clients perform repetitive lifting and/or heavy weight training, both of these can cause lymphedema in various types of cancer patients.

Physical assessments before starting an exercise program are also very important. Limitations in flexibility should be tested with a goniometer. Flexibility issues should always be addressed before starting a strength program. Many breast cancer patients and others have range of motion issues and their exercise prescription should include flexibility exercises.

The treatment of diverse cancers and the way the body responds to the cancer and treatment varies greatly. An example of this would be if a client had stomach cancer and has early or late dumping syndrome. Late dumping syndrome clients should exercise right after they eat and the fitness instructor should look out for excessive sweating or tremors. If the client has early dumping syndrome they should eat several hours before exercising and fitness instructor should monitor heart for irregular heartbeats, and watch for dizziness and shortness of breath.

The proper exercise for cancer patients can actually help reduce pain and fatigue, increase range of motion and prevent lymphedema. Exercise can also increase treatment tolerance, prevent and/or manage: osteoporosis, diabetes and damage to the heart and lungs. The exercises prescribed should depend on the type of cancer, operation procedure, treatment, physician clearance and assessment performed by Cancer Exercise Specialist. Various forms of yoga, Pilates, weight training and cardiovascular exercises are often recommended for the client. Many beneficial exercises can be performed in bed or while sitting for the client who is not ready to stand.

All cancers are not the same and the treatment, side effects and complications are very different. A Cancer Exercise Specialist (CES) will know the exercise contraindications for 25 types of cancer, surgery, reconstruction and treatments. The Cancer Exercise Specialist will have been trained to prevent and identify lymphedema, avoid injury and maximize the benefits of exercise. To find a Cancer Exercise Specialist in your area go to

Susan Glaser Tracey is a cancer survivor and a retired physical education teacher and lacrossse, field hockey and fencing coach. She is the author of "Fun Fitness Training for Kids" and currently is a personal trainer and Cancer Exercise Specialist in Cape May, NJ.

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Friday 9 September 2011

Neuroblastoma In Teenagers: Tristin's Story

ByJanice S Palmer

At the age of 13, Tristin, a carefree, healthy-appearing, soccer-playing, and viola-loving teenager's world changed when he was diagnosed with cancer in the form of stage four neuroblastoma. Even the doctors were hesitant to make the dreaded diagnosis until all the test results were received since this particular form of cancer usually attacks young children and is extremely rare in teenagers.

Six months prior to his diagnosis, Tristin went to the ER with lower abdominal pain and was told he had appendicitis, a reasonable assumption, given his symptoms and age, so a CT scan was not ordered to determine if there could have been another cause for the pain. His appendix was promptly removed, but he continued to have problems. Finally, the tumor in the back of his abdomen became large enough to be felt on a physical exam, and he was diagnosed with a mass. He was sent for scans at that time to validate the mass for size, structure, placement, and malignancy. The news was shocking and devastating to both family and friends.

Neuroblastoma forms from the neurons running down the spinal column where a cell goes crazy, reproducing and growing into a large tumor. The tumor in Tristin was not encased but had threaded itself through small openings, spreading on the other side and wrapping around organs, including the aorta of his heart. A long term intravenous catheter device called a portacath was surgically implanted under the skin on his chest for the frequent lab draws required and the caustic chemotherapy treatments. The first round of chemo required a week long hospital stay.

During hospital stays, Tristin's family discovered ways to make things a little easier on themselves. Some tips they suggest are:

The Top 5 Ways to Reduce Cancer Risk

For anyone who has experienced or witnessed cancer first hand, you know that it is a terrifying experience. Despite the amount of time and research done by medical professionals, a cure for cancer has yet to be discovered. Luckily, studies have proven that many types of cancer can be prevented by simple lifestyle habits. Below are the top 5 lifestyle habits that you can develop in order to reduce your cancer risk:

1. Pay Attention to Your Diet

The most important dietary step that you can take is to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. This is because fruits and vegetables contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that protect your cells.

Experts suggest limiting the amount of meat that you eat each week and eating plenty of whole grains. Studies have shown that drinking 3 cups of green tea per day significantly reduces women's' risk of developing breast cancer because it contains anti-oxidants that rid your body of dangerous free-radicals.

Additionally, if you make sure to drink plenty of water each day you will reduce your risk of developing cancer. This is because water eliminates toxins from your body. 8 glasses of water per day will effectively lower your cancer risk.

2. Exercise and Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight greatly increases your risk of many types of cancer. You don't have to become a body builder or fitness expert, all you need to do is take part in moderate exercise for 30 minutes per day to significantly reduce your cancer risk (and your weight!) Even if you lead a busy lifestyle, your exercise can be as simple as a brisk 30 minute walk.

3. Limit Risky Behaviour

It is no secret that tobacco use will significantly increase your risk of developing cancer. Exposure to second hand smoke is also dangerous, because even though you aren't smoking a cigarette, you are still exposed to the dangerous chemicals that they contain. Smoking cigarettes has been linked to more than just lung cancer - studies have shown that you can develop kidney, cervix and bladder cancer from them as well.

Many people don't realize that diseases contracted through unprotected sex can also increase your risk of developing cancer. It is best to cut this type of risky behaviour from your life.

Also, excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to various cancers such as esophagus, throat, liver, and colon. Doctors recommend that women who are genetically predisposed to breast cancer abstain from drinking altogether.

4. Protect Yourself from the Sun

This may seem self-explanatory, as overexposure to the sun has been continuously linked to skin cancer; however since golden tans are considered attractive to most people in Western society, many people disregard the effects that the sun can have.

Skin cancer is the most prevalent cancer, but luckily it is very preventable. Just remember to regularly wear sunscreen, avoid tanning beds, and wear light and loose fitting clothing to protect you from the sun's rays.

5. Natural Remedies and Vitamins

There are certain vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies that help to reduce the risk of cancer. For example, higher levels of vitamin D intake have been linked a reduction in the number of cases of cancer. As well, taking selenium supplements have been linked to a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

Taking these supplements may be something to consider since many of them are very low cost. Moreover, you may be already taking them in your daily multivitamin without even knowing about it.

If you take cancer prevention into your own hands starting today, you will find that the results will last a lifetime.

Visit Natural Cancer Remedies to discover many natural remedies, vitamins and supplements that are used to prevent and treat cancer around the world.

Find out the much talked about use of Lemon Cancer Treatment and discover if it really works.

Tom Chua is a licensed pharmacist who areas of research interest are in the use of natural remedies and supplements for preventing and treating various health conditions.

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Tumeric and Cancer Prevention

One of my preventive measures is to take turmeric on a daily basis. Those of us who have gone through the cancer journey, or have some experience with cancer, would have come across turmeric as a cancer preventive method. There is plenty of information on the internet on turmeric and its benefits but I want to share my experience with it. I'll provide a short introduction on tumeric.

Tumeric contains curcumin, the active ingredient which has been attributed to prevent and destroy cancer cells. Curcumin is the yellow stuff that is a bit sticky when you scrap the turmeric. Tumeric healing properties have been known for a long time now especially to the Chinese and Indians. In India for at least 6000 years, turmeric has been used as medicine, beauty aid, cooking, spice, and a dye. For the Chinese, tumeric has been used for the treatment of spleen, stomach, and liver ailments for over a 1000 years. The Chinese have used it to stimulate and purify, and as an antibiotic, anti-viral, and an analgesic. Tumeric, also known as Indian Saffron, is a root of the ginger family and is grown predominantly in South Asia.

Tumeric is commercially made available in powdered form. It is produced by boiling the root and then it is oven dried. The dried tumeric is then pounded into bright orange-yellow powder form. This is sold as a spice and food additive. One can use the raw root, which is my preference, or purchase the powdered form from the grocery if you are just using it for cooking. However, if you are taking it as a supplement, then I recommend doing some research and purchasing them from a reputable supplement manufacturer. Herbal supplement manufacturing is not as strongly regulated as drugs so the amount of curcumin may not be verifiable and that will affect its efficacy.

Tumeric has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. I occasionally have eczema on my skin and I use the powdered form, making it into a paste and applying it on the eczema. Within a few applications, the eczema disappears. It must be the anti-bacterial properties of turmeric at work When applied, it stings a little bit, and it is probably the active ingredients working. Tumeric has also been shown to help psoriasis as well. Research has proven that tumeric is effective against the inflammatory reaction triggered by the bacteria, Heliobacter pylori.

Many studies and articles have been written on not just the cancer prevention properties, but also the cancer-killing properties of curcumin. A number of studies on curcumin have shown promising results.

• Curcumin can kill cancer cells in laboratory dishes and also reduce the growth of surviving cells.

• Curcumin also has been found to reduce development of several forms of cancer in laboratory animals, and to shrink animal tumors.

• When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer

• Curcumin has been shown to prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.

• And it has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors. This supports the theory of anti-angiogenesis. The idea of anti-angiogenesis is the starvation of nutrients to cancer cells that will lead to cancer cell apoptosy.

Tumeric is a natural herb, and as it is known to efficaciously treat and prevent cancer, there is no reason not to try and use it on a regular basis.

Th Ong has fought cancer and won. He shares his story and his research to prevent cancer in the first place. He gives his book OnTopOfCancer for Free on the internet at

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Growth Of Cancer Cells

BySasi Krishna

Cancer is a broad term for the irregular development of cells. Generally a human body is a huge compilation of cells, and also all human bodies comprising 23 pairs of chromosomes. Imagine if we see each pair of chromosome, there we can find a duplicate gyrate of the DNA molecule, the hereditary design for life. DNA is the tester to verify and communicator of the heredity-designed distinctiveness in the chromosomes we acquire from our birth and transfer it to our children. Any abnormal growth of normal cells, in region of the body, or organs or in any tissues is called a cancerous growth.

Cancerous growth are of two types, such as benign and malignant. Benign type cancers are easily removable and treatable, on the other hand malignant tumors cannot be removed or cured completely. Radiation is the better method to cure cancer nowadays.

In our body, the maroons of DNA called chromosomes carry many numerous of divergent messages that state the human body of about how it should give development, operate and perform. One of the DNA piece informs our digestive system how to create gastric juice; and some other gene determines the glands to secrete this juice when food lands in the stomach. Some different genes colorize the human eyes, influence hurt cells how to ameliorate those cells, as well as point the feminine breasts to create milk later a child is born.

Nearly all the time these genes, these sort of genes serve the right way and transfer the exact pass ons and so we can live with good enough health and all the organs perform their optimal work, despite there are an improbable number of genetic fragments called genes and they transfer numerous messages, as well as the chromosomes develop once all time if a cell splits up and there are lots of occurrences for something to go wrong. As though the immense number of "wrongs" that happen while the process of reproduction or due to the harm by outside causes are repaired e through the body, on certain occasions it is unknown that it goes wrong while cell division - an alteration process that modifies one or more of the genes. A regular type of cancer cell that has an deviant chromosome from its genetic modification or injured state. The changed gene commences to transfer the error transmissions or it may transfer a message that is distinct from what it should send.

To know more about this subject please visit the link below

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Cancer Types and New Breakthroughs

BySam L Cox

Cancer is a disease that is characterized by growth of cells that are uncontrollable. It is undoubtedly one of the most widespread diseases in the world and which has currently become a menace threatening the lives of many people. It maims the body when the spoiled cells divide frenziedly and form lumps of tissues known as tumors. Cancerous tumors have very detrimental effects on the nervous, digestive, and the circulatory systems and also secrete hormones that affect the body function. There is however some tumors that remain in one spot and show limited growth thus considered as benign. This document discusses cancer in details focusing on the types, causes and treatment.

There are many different types of cancer and they can develop at any part of the body including, the skin, lung, colon, breast, bones, blood or the nerves. The type that affects an individual depends on the vulnerability level. The major categories of cancer include; brain cancers, blood cancers, digestive/ gastrointestinal cancers, bone cancers, breast cancers, Endocrine cancers, Eye cancer, Genitourinary cancers, Gynecologic cancers, head and neck cancers and respiratory cancers. Blood cancer affects the bone marrow which is responsible for the formation of the red blood cells thus resulting in leukemia and lymphoma. Another critical type of cancer is the genitourinary cancer which normally affects the male urinary tract and genitalia. On the other hand, the female reproductive system is affected by the gynecologic cancers such as the cervical, ovarian, endometrial and vaginal. Head and neck cancer is yet another type of cancer that affects the moist surfaces of the neck or the head such as the mouth, nose or throat. The other type is respiratory cancer, which affects the lungs. Skin cancer is yet another type and it mainly results from exposure to Ultra-violet rays of the sun.

Causes of cancer are many and some remain unknown to people. This best explains the reason as to why cancer has currently become one of the monstrous killers in the world claiming the lives of many innocent people. Understanding the fact that the human body is composed of billions of cells is of paramount importance in the study of this disease. Cells can be defined as the basic minute building blocks of the body tissues. As a matter of fact human beings begin their existence as a single cell that later multiplies in a process known as replication and gets divided into two cells and so on till a complete human being is formed. Cells are not only found in human beings but also in the rest of the living things.

Cancer develops out of the body cells. Typical cells duplicate when they are required by the body and die when they are no longer required. Cancer tends to start when the growth of these cells is out of control and cell division takes place so rapidly at a very critical speed that cannot be controlled. Another cause can be when some cells don't die. The already established causes of cancer include excessive consumption of alcohol, benzene as well as other chemicals, exposure to excessive sunlight, obesity, viruses, radiation and sometimes genetic problems. Additionally, there are some environmental toxins like some poisonous mushrooms and aflatoxins. Aflatoxins refer to a certain class poison that grows on peanut plants. Death of cells should be regular and should be controllable by the normal processes of the body. Cancer cells do not however experience regular death but continue to grow even when the body does not require them. This contributes to massive growth of cells out of control.

Treatment of cancer takes different approaches depending on the type of cancer that is in question. This helps to determine its stage, how much it has grown and to check whether the tumor has stretched from its initial location. It is also important that the symptoms are well observed to ascertain that the victim is suffering from cancer and not any other form of illness. Alike treatment, symptoms depends on the type and location of cancer. Lung cancer for instance causes chest pains, coughing and shortness of breath. Colon cancer on the other hand causes constipation, diarrhea and blood in the stool. It is pitiable that some cancers do not have any kind of signs such as pancreatic cancer which shows symptoms only when the illness is at an advanced stage.

If cancer is confined in one area and not spread, it is typically treated through surgery. Surgery is also common with skin, lung, breast, and colon cancer. It is also used when cancer has only spread to the lymph nodes. When all cancer cannot be removed completely, radiation, chemotherapy or both are applied. Radiation involves focusing very high-energy rays on the cancer cells which damage them. Chemotherapy on the other hand alters the cell division process thus eliminating the cancerous cells. There are some types of cancer such as Lymphoma, a cancer that attacks the lymph glands, which cannot be treated with surgery only but requires a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. Other types of treatments include immunotherapy which targets the immune system to battle against the tumor, hormone therapy which alters production of hormone stopping or killing the cancer cells, and gene therapy which replaces the damaged genes with functional ones to detect the cause of cancer.

Due to the heightened risk posed by cancer, advanced treatment is paramount. A new advancement has been made on treating lung cancer and it is known as the Standard of Care. It removes the tumor and later takes care of the patient for several years. Another breakthrough is the invention of the patients' genetically engineered T-cells developed by scientists in the University of Pennsylvania. This is a type of a white blood cell which attacks the cancer cells in the advanced stages of common type of Leukemia.

In summation, cancer can be reckoned as one of the leading killers in the contemporary society. There are so many types of cancer categorized according to the organ affected. Detecting symptoms and treatment of cancer is very difficult and this best-explains the reason as to why it has become a major challenge in the society. Treatment of cancer can be conducted in different ways including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and gene therapy. These have however sometimes proved ineffective and the T-cells breakthrough seems to give hopes of a brighter future.

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Seven Signs of Cancer in Women

ByDavid Dodiros

There are several types of cancer that are normally found in women, which include breast, cervical, ovarian, vaginal, and colon cancer. As a woman, you need to know the warning signs of each of those diseases to be able to prevent them from occurring. If you experience any of these symptoms and you suspect that you might have cancer, you should see a doctor immediately. Chances are, you might not have it, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Here are you should know:

1. Pelvic Pain

Women usually feel pelvic pain (pain or pressure below the navel) before or during their monthly period. However, if the pain persists even after you've had your period, it could be a symptom of endometrial, ovarian, cervical, fallopian tube, or vaginal cancer.

2. Abdominal Swelling and Bloating

This is a common symptom of ovarian cancer. Sometimes it is followed by a persistent lower back pain as well. Although bloating is commonly linked to indigestion, you can't just ignore it. Especially if it gets so bad that you can't even button your jeans.

3. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

This could be a symptom of gynecologic cancer, especially when you have a heavy periods and bleeding between periods. Bleeding during and after sex could also indicate and link to cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancer.

4. Persistent Fever

You should consult a doctor if you have had fever for more than 7 days. It might be a symptom of cancer, but it could also be caused by other less life-threatening disease. Persistent stomach upset or bowel changes during the fever is something you should also worry about.Constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, or bloody stool could be a sign of colon cancer.

5. Unintentional Weight Loss

If you lose 10 or more pounds without even trying (no exercise, no diet), you should see a doctor to consult about the possibility of havingcancer. Moreover, serious weight loss could also indicate the stage of the cancer.

6. Abnormalities in the Vulva or Vagina

Vulva or vaginal abnormalities could be a symptom of vaginal cancer. These could be in the form of sores, blister, changes in skin color, and unusual discharge. Regular check-ups with a gynecologist can help you prevent gynecologic cancer.

7. Changes in the Breast

Women are advised to perform regular breast self-examination. You should look for any lumps, soreness, dimpling, swelling or nipple discharge. If you observe any changes in your breast, you should report it to a doctor immediately.

There are many types of cancer and they are all equally dangerous. If you want to know more about signs of cancer in women, do visit our website.

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Tuesday 6 September 2011

Chemobrain - Brain Cancer And The Brain

Cancer is a terrible disease. Unfortunately, too many of us have seen families and friends pass away. We shall not discuss here the terrible and usual consequences cancer has on individuals. What I want to discuss here is something less well-known. The effects cancer and chemotherapy have on the brain. We usually see cancer as something that affects our bodies. However, there is more to it. The brain is not only impacted psychologically but also cognitively.

The term chemo brain is commonly associated with cancer survivors to describe thinking and memory problems which can occur as a result of chemo therapy or radiation therapy treatments. Chemo brain has also been referred to a chemo fog, cognitive changes or cognitive deterioration.

Although chemo brain is commonly used term, it is not fully understood nor completely accepted if the chemotherapy is really a cause of concentration and memory problems. It has also been shown that a number of cancer survivors with memory problems can still score well on cognitive tests.

But it is generally accepted that chemotherapy can create memory problems for patients and it can become a very frustrating and debilitating situation. However more study is required to better understand this problem. It is not altogether clear that a direct link is present at all.

But some typical signs and symptoms of the problem can include:

• Becoming highly disorganized

• Overall confusion in many types of situations

• Difficulty concentrating

• Difficulty in learning new tasks and skills

• Difficulty in multitasking

• Fatigue

• A feeling of mental fogginess

• A short attention span

• Short term memory problems

• Taking longer than usual to complete common tasks

• Trouble with verbal memory such as remembering a recent conversation

• Trouble with visual memory such as remembering a list of words or a visual image

The kinds of symptoms experienced can vary from patient to patient. But these symptoms are typically temporary and can subside within two years of completing the cancer treatment in most cases.

But while the chemo brain occur, it is not altogether clear how they do affect different symptoms. In some cases there may be external impacts due to lack of sleep, depression and other medications which may be taken at the same time.

It is very important for the patient and his/her doctor to understand any potential symptoms and try to make changes as necessary to continue with effective treatment while minimizing the impact to mental function.

This is the best way to help to balance the most effective treatment possible with the potential for full mental capacities and functioning.

Many studies and research have yet to be done. I believe that by consistently following an effective brain training program, you might improve some of the cognitive abilities that have been affected by chemotherapy. If this can help, it makes sense to try it.

Nathanael Eisenberg is the CEO of CogniFit, a company that develops software which measure and train cognitive abilities. We help people discover new insights about themselves and decide what to improve in their life.

The rapid growth of scientific knowledge around the brain creates new opportunities to help tackle some of the major challenges of the early part of the 21st century. Nathanael's goal is to participate in the search of some of these additional solutions.

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Saturday 3 September 2011

Stomach Cancer - Diagnosing Cancer of the Stomach Muscle

ByMelissa B Hernandez

Stomach cancer symptoms tend, at the beginning, to be very vague. Every year 21,520 people are diagnosed with about 10,340 of them dying from it. The majority of sufferers are men, and the average age when the disease is detected is around 70. The risk is higher in people who smoke, have been infected by the helicobacter pylori bacteria and developed ulcers from the infection, eat a diet high in foods that are salted, pickled or processed, like bacon or cured ham, and have close relatives who've had stomach cancer. Other risk factors are blood type, as people with Type A blood have a slightly higher risk for getting the disease. Alcoholics, or people who have a heavy alcohol consumption, are also more at risk. Other factors are gastritis, or stomach inflammation, decreased stomach acid, and having part of the stomach removed surgically.

Stomach cancer is the fourth leading cancer in the world and is the second cause of cancer related death after lung cancer. It's not as common in the United States as it is in other countries, particularly Asian countries.

Signs and Stomach Cancer Symptoms

The most common victims of stomach cancer are men over 65. The condition, like so many conditions that involve the digestive tract, is difficult to diagnose in its early stage because stomach cancer symptoms are nonspecific. This means they could be anything from indigestion to the beginnings of cancer. In stomach cancer's earliest stages there may be no symptoms at all, or the vague symptoms of indigestion, such as fullness, burping, nausea and decreased appetite. By the time these symptoms occur, the cancer may already have spread to the bones, liver or lungs.

Later symptoms are unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and vomiting blood that resembles coffee grinds. The person may pass black, tarry stools, which indicates blood in them. They may feel full after eating only small amounts of food. They may suffer from anemia from internal blood loss and have pain or discomfort in the upper part of the abdomen. They may or may not be able to feel a mass in the same area.

Diagnostic Tests for Stomach Cancer Symptoms

A person who suspects they have stomach cancer may have medical exams that include laboratory studies of the blood for anemia, and an endoscopy, when a thin tube is inserted down the esophagus and into the stomach. Biopsies are then taken of any suspicious looking growths. They might also be subject to X-rays and other tests that produce images of the interior of the body. They may take a GI series, which may include a barium enema, ultrasounds, CAT and/or MRI scans, or PET scans. Treatments can include surgery, including the less invasive laparoscopic surgery, radiation, immunotherapy and chemotherapy, or a combination of these methods.

Because stomach cancer is usually discovered late, the prognosis for complete recovery is poor. The survival rate of people who are diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer is only about four percent. However, if the condition is discovered early, the survival rate over five years is about 65 percent. This is why doctors say that people who are having symptoms of indigestion or ulcer for more than a few days should contact them, for the symptoms may or may not be cancer related.

Are you worried or concerned about ongoing illness or symptoms suffered by you or a loved one? Worried it could be more serious?

You should obviously consult a doctor to have a professional diagnosis administered. However our website has articles on all types of on cancer symptoms. Learn more about the common Kidney cancer symptoms and many more variants of cancer.

Get informed and keep you and your loved ones one step ahead of the dreaded 'Big C'.

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Common Symptoms of Esophageal Cancer

ByMelissa B Hernandez

Esophageal cancer is typically a carcinoma that develops in the epithelium, or surface layer, of the esophagus. This type of cancer is most easily diagnosed through a series of tests including endoscopy, PET and CT scans. Esophageal cancer symptoms, unfortunately in a majority of cases, only become pronounced enough for the patient to see their doctor when the disease is in the latter stages of development.


The overwhelming majority of esophageal cancers can be classified into one of two categories for the purposes of diagnosis, squamos cell and adenocarcinoma. As an informal general rule, the squamos cell version of the disease occurs in the upper two-thirds of the esophagus, while the adenocarcinoma occurs in the lower one-third.

Esophageal Cancer Symptoms

In the latter stages of the disease, when the patient begins to recognize a problem, esophageal cancer symptoms can present themselves in an obvious manner. Initial symptoms include odynophagia, or pain when swallowing, or dysphagia, difficulty swallowing. Difficulty swallowing is generally the first noticeable symptom that presents itself.

Pain, very similar to heartburn, can present as severe and will worsen when the patient attempts to swallow any but the softest of foods or fluids. This pain is present almost daily, with little to no relief from common heartburn medications. Another symptom in proximity to the throat is a husky or raspy cough, which is a result of the cancer advancing on the laryngeal nerve.

The tumor(s) may produce, in some patients, additional symptoms. The esophageal cancer symptoms can include vomiting blood, nausea, lack of appetite and rapid weight loss, along with an increased risk of contracting aspiration related pneumonia.

When are Symptoms Diagnosed

In a majority of esophageal cancer patients, unless the disease is detected in the early stages through a full physical or cancer screening, symptoms are not significant enough to see their doctor until the tumor involved is fairly significant in size. Normally, symptoms present themselves in a significant way only after approximately half of the esophagus is restricted, or blocked.

Additional complications that may arise from a late stage diagnosis of esophageal cancer include metastasis into other organs and body parts. Esophageal cancer most commonly metastasizes into the liver, lung or lymph nodes. Once metastasis has occurred with the disease, it is much more difficult to treat effectively.

Prognosis for Esophageal Cancer Patients

The prognosis for patients is far lower than the survival rates for some other types of cancer. This is most commonly due to the fact patients only present themselves for diagnosis once symptoms are present, which generally only occurs late in the disease. The percentages for survival depend on the stage the cancer is initially treated in and whether the cancer has metastasized into structures outside the esophagus. The approximate overall five year survival rate for patients who present with esophageal cancer symptoms is 15% and a large number of patients do not survive the first year after diagnosis.

Are you worried or concerned about ongoing illness or symptoms suffered by you or a loved one? Worried it could be more serious?

You should obviously consult a doctor to have a professional diagnosis administered. However our website has articles on all types of on cancer symptoms. Learn more about the common Bowel cancer symptoms and many more variants of cancer.

Get informed and keep you and your loved ones one step ahead of the dreaded 'Big C'.

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Kidney Pain Can Mean Kidney Cancer - Common Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

ByMelissa B Hernandez

Being aware of kidney cancer symptoms is very important, as it can help a person get treatment before the disease gets worse. Anybody who has any experience with cancer, whether they have had it or know someone who has dealt with it, knows just how serious and devastating it can be. That's why it's important to make an appointment with a doctor whenever any symptoms of cancer present themselves. If the disease can be caught early, the patient has a much better chance of survival and may not have to go through drastic treatment options.

How Kidney Cancer Starts
Kidney cancer is the result of kidney cells becoming cancerous and rapidly growing out of control, forming a tumor, or in some cases multiple tumors. Doctors are not yet sure what causes this type of cancer, though some risk factors of the disease have been identified. Most kidney cancers start in the lining of the small tubes in the kidneys, and there are few symptoms of the disease at this stage. Despite the lack of symptoms at the earliest stage, most cases are discovered before the disease spreads to the surrounding organs.

Common Kidney Cancer Symptoms
Just like most diseases, one or two symptoms alone may not be indicative of kidney cancer or cause for alarm, though they should still be checked out. However if the patient notices several of the symptoms, particularly if they persist over time, it is best to call a doctor. Kidney cancer symptoms include: Blood in the urine (this may appear as a red or pink color), a lump or pain in the side or abdomen, seemingly random weight loss or fever. These are the most common symptoms. Occasionally other symptoms can appear alongside the most common indicators. These additional symptoms include: Fatigue, a general feeling of poor health, loss of appetite, anemia and swelling in the ankles or legs. Sometimes kidney cancer will spread, whether it's being treated or not, and when this is the case, additional symptoms can be noticed. Symptoms that this has happened are shortness of breath, coughing up blood, and even bone pain. If the patient notices any of these, please contact a doctor immediately. Sometimes a change in treatment or medication may be needed.

What Happens After Kidney Cancer Symptoms are Noticed
The doctor will likely perform one or more tests to determine if the patient has kidney cancer or something else, like kidney stones. He or she may order a urine test or blood test to check for problems and see how well the kidneys are functioning. An ultrasound may also be used to determine if a tumor, if one is present, is filled with fluid or is a solid mass. CT scans and MRIs are often used to take pictures of the kidneys. A procedure called Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) can be used to determine the presence of tumors as well. In this procedure, a dye is inserted and travels through the urinary tract, while the kidneys are being X-rayed. This allows any tumors to be highlighted. CT scans have largely replaced the need for the IVP procedure.

Though the symptoms listed above can be signs of kidney cancer, they may indicate some other problem, instead of cancer. One or two symptoms alone is not cause for panic, though it certainly should be brought to a doctor's attention. For a diagnosis, contact a doctor as quickly as possible. If the symptoms noticed are indeed kidney cancer symptoms, it is important to begin treatment quickly to kill the cancer and remove any tumors before it spreads and becomes more severe.

Are you worried or concerned about ongoing illness or symptoms suffered by you or a loved one? Worried it could be more serious?

You should obviously consult a doctor to have a professional diagnosis administered. However our website has articles on all types of cancer symptoms. Learn more about the common Mouth cancer symptoms and many more variants of cancer.

Get informed and keep you and your loved ones one step ahead of the dreaded 'Big C'.

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Does Dieting and Exercise Help Cancer Survivors? Lets Look Into It!

Cancer survivors may be able to reduce their risk for functional decline. A new report reveals a home-based exercise and diet program helped older survivors of colorectal, breast and prostate cancer stay healthy. Rather than patients being told to "rest up" as in the past, doctors must encourage people to get moving as soon as they feel able.

A review of more than 60 studies for the charity found people undergoing treatment for cancer - as well as survivors - could benefit from exercise.

Exercise is a "wonder drug" for cancer survivors and may even prevent the disease coming back, according to a new report.

Body Concepts Cancer Support said physical activity should be "prescribed" by doctors after "hard evidence" showed it can significantly help recovery and prevent other long-term illnesses.

Various studies, mainly on women with early-stage breast cancer, suggest that physical activity can improve cancer survivors' quality of life, lessen the impact of treatment side effects and help in their overall recovery. But more data are needed. While exercise, even just living an active life, is universally considered important for cancer survivors, researchers are trying to understand the extent of its rehabilitative value and how best to administer and monitor it.

The Exercise and Thrive sessions are supervised by medical staff and take 90 minutes each. They touch upon the main physical components - flexibility, strength and aerobics - and about 30 minutes of group discussion, sometimes centered on questions such as, "How in balance does your life feel right now?" Participants also learn about nutrition and other mind-body activities such as yoga and pilates.

There was 27 people participating in the initial round of the classes. The participants range from people who have gone through recent treatment to those who have been symptom-free for years.

Results of two studies on bowel cancer also show the risk of dying or the disease coming back is cut by about 50% in patients taking six hours a week of moderate intensity exercise, with around a 30% lower risk of dying among prostate cancer patients and a 57% lower rate of disease progression if they do three hours of moderate exercise weekly.

According to studies, older cancer survivors represent an important target because cancer and its treatments are associated with accelerated rates of functional decline. They say many older cancer survivors also report poor lifestyle behaviors.

Ways regular exercise may help you during cancer treatment

•Keep or improve your physical abilities

•Better balance, lower risk of falls and broken bones

•Keep muscles from wasting due to inactivity

•Lower the risk of heart disease

•Lessen the risk of osteoporosis (weak bones that are more likely to break)

•Improve blood flow to legs and lower risk of blood clots

•Make you less dependent on others to do normal activities of daily living

•Improve your self-esteem

•Lower the risk of anxiety and depression

•Lessen nausea

•Improve your ability to keep social contacts

•Fewer symptoms of tiredness (fatigue)

•Help you control your weight

•Improve your quality of life

I am happy to see this is becoming more common knowledge in the 21 century and I applaud the doctors for pointing it out, because we still do not know a lot about how exercise and physical activity affect your recovery from cancer, or their effects on the immune system. We know with personal training that regular moderate exercise has been linked to show good results and feedback among cancer victims! Thank you.

Richard Stadnyk - Owner/Personal Trainer Specialist

Friday 2 September 2011

Exercise and Preventing Cancer

The Effects of exercise on cancer prevention

Since 1950, there has been an overwhelming increase in individuals with cancer. The occurrence of breast cancer and male colon cancer have increased by about 60 percent; testis, prostate and kidney by 100 percent; and other cancers, such as malignant melanoma, multiple myeloma and some lymphomas, by over 100 percent. Although there is hardly getting around it, we often know some one who has been thru cancer and possibly have been diagnosed yourself. Exercise has been proven to decrease anyone's chance of having cancer as well as increasing the immune system to those with cancer to help fight the vigorous battle.

What is the cause of cancer? Although the true cause is truly unknown why certain individuals get cancer and others don't. The biggest factor in Cancer diagnosis, have to do with Lifestyle choices, environmental factors and genetics. According the American cancer society:

"Cancer starts when cells in a part of the body start to grow out of control. There are many kinds of cancer, but they all start because of out-of-control growth of abnormal cells.... Cells become cancer cells because of damage to DNA. DNA is in every cell and directs all its actions. In a normal cell, when DNA gets damaged the cell either repairs the damage or the cell dies. In cancer cells, the damaged DNA is not repaired, but the cell doesn't die like it should.... People can inherit damaged DNA, but most DNA damage is caused by mistakes that happen while the normal cell is reproducing or by something in our environment. Sometimes the cause of the DNA damage is something obvious, like cigarette smoking"

Although genetics may play a role in the growth in abnormal cells it has been proven time and time again that lifestyle choices and environmental factors can play a significant role in preventing cancer.

There are countless environmental factors that may be involved in cancer. The term environment has several different meanings when referring to causes of cancer. Originally, the term "environmental cause of cancer" was used to refer to all cancers that were not caused by hereditary or genetic factors. Tobacco use, diet, radiation and chemical exposure, and alcohol use are just some of the many factors we see related to the cause of cancer.

Each year, about 570,000 Americans die of cancer; fully one-third of these deaths are linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, and carrying too much weight. Up to 85% of cancer is due to lifestyle choices made by individuals, which places them at higher risk for the development of cancer. The British Journal of Sports did a recent study over the course of 16 years, with males from the ages of 41-62. The study was to prove if exercise played a significant role in preventing cancer. Here is what they found:

"A higher use of oxygen consumption during physical activity is linked to a reduction in the level of illness in a person and their likelihood of dying from cancer."

The study also shows that their chances of cancer dropped 60 % due to an exercise incorporated into their everyday lifestyle. If that doesn't make you want to jump into good exercise habits I don't know what will.

There is a strong correlation between oxygen deprivation and cell growth. Studies have shown that oxygen is a vital part of maintaining healthy cells in your body and a lack of sufficient oxygen makes your cells unhealthy and susceptible to diseases and cancer. Exercising increases oxygen consumption which leads to more oxygen to the cells and also increases healthy cell growth as opposed to abnormal cell growth. The more intense workouts lead to higher oxygen consumption. Exercising also allows you to have a healthy and strong immune system in order fight off sickness and abnormal cell growth.

Cancer is not biased, it can hit anyone at anytime, whether it is in your family genes or not. There is no valid explanation why we get cancer. But time after time studies have proven that exercise and a healthier lifestyle has significant affects on preventing cancer. There are so little things we can control in life, why not make a choice that will affect your good health in the long run.

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Cancer, How the Industry Is Keeping Us Ignorant About Its Causes

For the last 40 years medical researchers have been looking for the causes of cancer but haven't found them yet? We are also told they are looking for better ways to cure it but I haven't seen any evidence of this. The fact is there are many people who understand why there is so much now but unfortunately it is not usually the people we turn to help us with our problem.

The rate of cancer in the last few years has been increasing and now one person in three in developed countries is being diagnosed with the problem. It's a disease that's stolen more years of life than any other and with it now claiming close to 7 million lives a year world wide, is fast becoming an epidemic.

Here are a few facts about cancer you probably don't know and certainly won't be told,

While it can affect anyone it is only a problem in the developed world but is fast becoming a problem in developing countries.
It was almost unheard of a hundred years ago; it's only a modern day problem.
All the causes of cancer are well known and have been well known for decades but most doctors don't know them.
It's only man and his pets that get cancer; animals in the wild don't get it.
Our treatments now days are highly ineffective because they are only treating symptoms and that is often of little help.
We don't have cancer prevention today with the exception of don't smoke and that's why there is so much of it.

They say you are not much of an expert if you die of the disease you are trying to cure others from. In the town we live in we have 2 examples of that. One was a well known and popular doctor who was diagnosed with a brain tumour. No one could operate here but he searched the world and found a surgeon who could in a neighbouring country and successfully had the growth removed. He sadly died less than 2 years later because surgery doesn't solve the cancer problem and he obviously didn't know that.

The problem lies with the cancer industry that has total control over what our medical people can and cannot do within this industry and also what our doctors are taught in medical school. When there is money to be made from treating someone with a disease like cancer, doctors and our medical specialists are only taught ways to treat it that can return a profit. Surgery and radiation are very profitable and chemotherapy is a multi-billion dollar a year industry so is their star performer.

It's only a handful of independent researchers from around the world that know the causes of cancer and what is going on within the cancer industry. It is people who have studied the disease and most of them are independent of our mainstream medical system.

What you also won't be told is there are far better ways to treat cancer which are natural, but don't expect them to be endorsed by orthodox medicine because there is no profit in them.

With cancer the body has a protective defence system called the immune system which can actively seek out and destroy cancer cells. This system requires good nutrition and good lifestyle factors to achieve this so all you have to do is to use it.

Most of what we learn about cancer now days is coming from the television set and newspapers so be careful in deciding your treatment options.

Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. If you are seeking information on how to fight cancer, using simple changes with diet and lifestyle, visit my website and learn how the body can self heal when you make these changes;;

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What Is Cancer And How Close To A Cure Are We?

ByEthan R. Kalvin

Cancer is perhaps the greatest health crisis of all times. It comes in numerous forms and steals away the breath of millions of folks every year. It is deadly and still remains without a cure. The question is will they ever locate a cure for cancer?

Cancer cells just start to grow. A lot of people have some cancer cells inside their body and it is only at the point when they start to mass generate in a particular region of the body or when they start to overtake them, that the individual is considered to have cancer. Cancer is a concern that many people wanted to debate really due to the fact some believe that the wellness care system is getting closer to a cure.

You'll find really only two sorts of cancer which you have a shot at fighting and those are breast and prostate. Each and every of these cancers have a pretty decent cure rate nonetheless, they need some extremely intense and radical courses of treatment to cure and numerous people still do not make it. Of course, you're relieved if this will be the form of cancer that you are diagnosed with because it surely will work out better for you than if you are diagnosed with brain, bone, stomach, liver, pancreatic, or lung cancer. When you hear these it is just best to ensure you have your affairs in order and have all your ducks in a row.

Sure, you will find treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation but in the end the very best you are able to hope for would be to hit a couple of months of remission and at worst, regrettably there is certainly no greener pastures. At the moment no cure for cancer actually exists.

They are able to treat you, cut out your insides, poison you, and make you glow, but in the end you'll be sick and get weak. You will lose your hair and create other symptoms but in the end, the cancer will persist.

But do the powers that be truly want a cure? Or is the money which is created off this illness alone what keeps the entire program running. There have been numerous debates on the subject and several people are seeking answers. You'll find those which have claimed to have a cure only to have their files vanish, businesses burned down, or even to have them disappear. So it ought to be wondered, "Will they ever locate a cure for cancer?" And maybe the answer is that we will just have to wait and see.

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Tanning - Indoors Or Outdoors May Not Make A Difference

ByEthan R. Kalvin

For quite some time now we, the general public, have been warned about the harmful effects of the sun's rays and the ways in which they can not only destroy our skin but hurt us and even potentially give us skin cancers like melanoma. As an alternative years ago the tanning beds and parlors were introduced as a safe and effective way to allow the skin to tan slowly without the harmful UV rays of the sun and many people have taken this as their opportunity to steer clear of the sun's harmful rays and to tan in the safety and comfort of a tanning bed.

Some of us have even gone to the degree as putting tan beds in their individual residence to save a habitual appointment at the beauty salon and to keep up that exquisite gold skin that they have since created. But, sadly, new information shows an increase in the toxic skin cancer melanoma in folks who use a tan bed on a regular basis and it is considered that it may be that U.V. rays are not the sole problem concerning sun exposure.

Surely, experts state that it is not easy to settle on the clear-cut cause in view of the truth that those who use a tan bed are most likely to do it numerous times each week all the way through the year and this helps to advance their threat in addition. A lot of people as significance are turning to tan cream and comparable items that offer a dark pigmentation for show without the threat of exposure to the sun or a tan bed and consequently reduce their danger.

Whenever it comes to a tanning cream most give the impression they are safe, yet there is some worry about a tanning cream that works in the sun and that these may add to the strength of even minimum sun exposure too. It is significant to understand that any exposure to sun rays without use of a high S.P.F. sunscreen that of Fifty or higher can result in damage to the outer layer of the skin, particularly on the dermis and epidermis, and can result not only in freckling and burning but skin cancer problems also over time.

The skin we have is the shield of your body and thus is plays a considerable role compared to any other purpose. Furthermore while some people might like to look tan the bareness of a chemotherapy patient does not. So make sure that when you're under the sun that you do whatever is reasonable to excuse yourself from damaging your skin and excuse yourself from any activity that involves being under the sun or going to a tan bed. Doing these things can give you a pleasing look at first, but in the end they will only end up as a bad choice for your healthiness.

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Herbs for Skin Cancer and Other Cancers

If you are looking for natural skin cancer treatments then first and foremost you must think holistically. Skin cancer is more than skin deep. Natural remedies, natural treatments and natural practitioners always support the body as a whole.

This article outlines natural treatments for skin cancer, specifically medicinal herbs and their vast range of anti-cancer actions. This includes is a compilation of herbs that are beneficial for many types of cancer including, but not limited to, skin cancer.

Skin cancer, or indeed, any kind of cancer needs a holistic approach to support the body no matter what method of treatment is used.

Herbs can play a huge role in not only nourishing and supporting the body and affected tissues but for the treatment of the actual cancer itself, for example topical applications for skin cancer.

Herbs used in the treatment of cancer may be chosen for their nutritive, alterative, tonic, anti-inflammatory, alkalizing, adaptogenic, stress/nervine support, pain relief and tissue protection.

There are herbs with specific actions that protect cells from DNA and chemical damage.


Anti-neoplastic herbs help reduce abnormal cellular growth. They stop cancer cells from growing.

Tumour apoptotic herbs disable cancer cells and bring about apoptosis (cell death) without doing serious harm to healthy body cells and without destroying the body's overall health:
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis), is a prime example of a herb that promotes apoptosis. Bloodroot, used internally and externally acts in the mitochondria of the cancer cell, disabling it so it can no longer produce energy, triggering apoptosis. It does not have this effect on healthy body cells.
Bloodroot is highly effective in the treatment of skin cancer such as BCC, SCC and Melanoma.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is anti-neoplastic. It enables the immune system to help in the prevention of cancerous growth. Astragalus also helps the immune cells to actually recognize cancer cells. It is very effective used concurrently with chemotherapy or radiotherapy to minimize the detrimental side effects without interfering with the treatment.

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is alterative, meaning it encourages the body's natural channels of elimination. Red clover is used in cancer prevention for its phytoestrogenic effect, particularly with breast or prostate cancers. Phytoestrogens are natural plant estrogens that do not stimulate excessive cell growth like other harmful estrogens do.

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been shown to increase and stimulate the natural killer cells of the immune system, helping to protect the body from cell damage caused by inflammation or infecting organisms.

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis ) is another herb with antioxidant properties that inhibits tissue damage by free radicals. The catechins (polyphenols) in green tea have proven anticancer properties and inhibit angiogenesis (blood vessel growth to a cancer tumor).

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris cicla) increases the respiration rate of cancer cells by up to 350%. Increased respiration leads to decreased malignancy and shorter life of the cancer cell. Beetroot contains the antioxidant anthocyan in the pigment. This may be included in the diet or taken as herbal medicine in specified doses of dried powdered root. Scientific research shows beetroot prevents lung, liver and skin cancers. Breetroot has been proven to induce Phase II detoxification in the liver.

Chapparal (Larrea tridentata) discourages DNA mutation. The active principle nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), a polyphenolic compound, is particularly useful in inhibiting promotion of skin cancer. It inhibits an enzyme and other signalling pathways involved in inducing genetic changes (DNA transcription) in the skin cells.

Apricot kernel extract (amygdalin) - contains toxic organic cyanide which destroys cancer cells. An enzyme that is present in normal body cells breaks down the cyanide leaving the non-cancerous cells undamaged. This protective enzyme is not present in cancer cells.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)- gives liver support for ridding toxins and metabolic wastes. Turmeric inhibits angiogenesis (growth of blood vessels that feed cancer cells) and reduces inflammation which may lead to tissue irritation and cell changes.

Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) - Immunostimulant and anti-tumour for many types of cancer.
Violet (Viola odorata) The leaves are antineoplastic for breast cancer and used for any breast lumps. Very useful for skin cancer treatment also.

In combination with dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal treatment is likely to begin by aiding the body's channels of elimination with alterative herbs. At the same time, there will be focus on nourishing and supporting with nutritive herbs and digestive tonics to encourage healthy tissue, immune function and cancer prevention.

Nutritive herbs: Oats (Avena sativa), nettle (Urtica dioica), red clover (Trifolium pratense), chickweed (Stellaria media), Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus),Barley grass (Hordeum vulgare), wheat grass (Triticum sp) and kelp (Fucus vesiculosus or Macrocystis pyrifera) provide bioavailable minerals and vitamins. They can be taken as well as carefully chosen dietary supplements because cancer can partly be seen as a 'deficiency disease'. The body may require the substances sufficient for rebuilding healthy cells or for supporting an immune system capable of recognizing and destroying cancerous cells. Some supplements will be needed to supply nutrients such as selenium, iodine and many other minerals that are deficient in soils globally.

Anti-scorbutic herbs (for vitamin C): Rose hips, chickweed, nettle, parsley, dandelion, yellow dock, raspberry leaf and violet. These herbs provide vitamin C or aid in its absorption. In relation to cancer vitamin C aids the absorption of other nutrients including iron; assists the immune system; assists the elimination of toxic metals and poisons; is antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical damage; assists the formation of body and blood cells; helps in the healing of damaged tissue, bones and wounds; inhibits metastasis and inhibits tumor growth. In addition, therapeutic doses of supplemental vitamin C are advisable.

DIGESTIVE TONICS and BITTER DIGESTIVE STIMULANTS aid digestion and improve the absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

Digestive tonics: Aloe vera juice, slippery elm bark (Ulmus rubra), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis), licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra). These are soothing, healing demulcent herbs particularly useful in any cancer of the digestive tract.

Bitter digestive stimulants are also tonic to the digestive tract tissue by stimulating digestive secretions from the stomach, liver and gall bladder: Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus), schisandra (Schisandra chinensis), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata), picrorrhiza (Picrorrhiza kurroa), hops (Humulus lupulus), bupleurum (Bupleurum falcatum), gentian (Gentiana lutea), barberry (Berberis vulgaris), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), yellow dock (Rumex crispus), angelica (Angelica archangelica), peppermint (Mentha piperita), chamomile (Matricaria recutita), wood betony (Stachys betonica), greater celandine (Chelidonium majus). These herbs greatly assist the digestion of food, enabling better uptake of nutrients by the body.

Circulatory stimulants aid the absorption and assimilation of nutrients and other beneficial substances. They also aid the processes of elimination by improving blood flow from the tissues to the organs of elimination: Prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum), ginger (Zingiber officinale), chilli (Capsicum annuum), turmeric (Curcuma longa), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba),rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), yarrow (Achillea millefolium).

Alterative herbs specifically aid the channels and organs of elimination. They are important for helping the body to rid itself of harmful or useless substances and allow other energy to be spent on supportive processes improving vitality - red clover (Trifolium pratense), burdock (Arctium lappa), Poke root (Phytolacca Americana), Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea), cleavers (Gallium aparine), garlic (Allium sativum), yellow dock (Rumex cripus), violet (Viola odorata), gotu kola (Centella asiatica), nettle (Urtica dioica), figwort (Scrophularia nodosa), sarsaparilla (Smilax spp.)

Herbs for the liver enhance the elimination of toxins in radiation treatment and especially in chemo, particularly schisandra, Schisandra chinensis and milk thistle, Silybum marianum. They protect the liver. Other herbs to help the liver and cancer are Bupleurum falcatum, Andrographis paniculata and Astragalus.

Antioxidant herbs reduce damage caused by free radicals that can lead to tissue damage and cancer. (Antioxidants are anti-mutagenic). Interestingly, most herbs have antioxidant properties. Here are a just a few: turmeric (Curcuma longa), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), self heal (Prunella vulgaris), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), sage (Salvia officinalis), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), chilli (Capsicum annuum), Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), milk thistle (Silybum marianum), nettle, ginger and parsley.

Allium sativum and Allium cepa contain selenium and sulphur compounds that stimulate enzymes that prevent the conversion of free-radicals to carcinogens. They must be grown in soil containing selenium.

Other cancer preventing substances found in herbal medicine:

- Carotenoids found in barley grass, spirulina, kelp, seaweeds, (most herbs, but high in the yellow/orange vegetables such as pumpkin and carrot).

-Dithiolthiones, diindoles and glucosinolates found in the Brassica, or cabbage family of vegetables. That's cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale.

- Phyto-estrogens:

1. Phytosterols and steroidal saponins found in wild yam (Dioscorea villosa), Panax ginseng, black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), false unicorn root (ChamHelonias, Tribulus terrestris, licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

2. Lignans that reduce hormone sensitive cancers, found in flaxseed, seaweeds.

3.Polyphenols - isoflavonoids and flavones in Soy, red clover (Trifolium pratense) green beans, legumes and peas.

These above three categories are plant estrogens that act weakly on cell receptor sites, inhibiting the excessive action of more aggressively acting natural and environmental estrogens.

- Polysaccharides - Mushrooms - Shitake, Reishi; Astragalus, Siberian ginseng, Korean ginseng, Echinacea and Aloe vera. Polysaccharides are complex sugars that improve the immune response against tumor cells.

Immunostimulant - The immune system needs support in order to combat cancerous growth as well as to keep the body strong if the person is undergoing surgery, chemo or radiation in the treatment of cancer. Tumour cells can produce cytokines that suppress the immune system.

In addition to the polysaccharide-containing herbs above, use Andrographis paniculata, Picrorrhiza kurroa, Phytolacca americana, Allium sativa (garlic), Echinacea, Olive leaf, Shitake and Reishi mushrooms.

Alkalizing- The modern diet and lifestyle tends towards acidifying the system. Too much easily available meat and refined grains, coupled with stressful lifestyles help create a pH imbalance within the body. With increased acidity there is increased inflammation which may lead to tissue damage and possible cancer development. Some alkalizing herbs are Aloe vera juice, wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa (Medicago sativa), cleavers(Gallium aparine), nettle (Urtica dioica).

Antiparasitic - Parasites excrete toxins that set up carcinogenic processes. Antiparasitic herbs are black walnut (Juglans nigra), cloves (Sysygium aromaticum), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), chillies (Capsicum annuum) and goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis).


Cancer is both an emotional and a physical stress on the body. The nervous system can be supported with nervines and adaptogens to help the person to cope.

Nervine tonic - St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), wood betony (Stachys betonica), oats and oatstraw (Avena sativa), vervain (Verbena officinalis), skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), chamomile (Matricaria recutita), Withania somnifera, Lavender(Lavandula), damiana (Turnera diffusa), passionflower (Passiflora incarnate), gotu kola (Centella asiatica), Ginkgo biloba, Brahmi (Bacopa monniera).

Adaptogenic - These herbs work at the cellular level. They increase the capacity of the cells to manufacture and use cell fuel more efficiently. They aid in the assimilation, circulation and integration of other beneficial herbs and substances. This helps normalize the body's various functions and stimulate recovery processes. Cumulative stress and the body's subsequent inability to perform its key functions efficiently have been linked with most illnesses. Adaptogenic herbs help the body to adapt to stressors. Schisandra chinensis, Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng), Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), Astragalus, Withania, Rehmannia and Maca (Lepidium peruvianum). Bacopa and Andrographis are also possibly adaptogenic.

Specific herbs that minimize the harmful effects of radiation and chemo treatment are the ginsengs (Panax, Eleutherococcus, Lepidium) which are also adaptogenic and immune stimulant. Along with an organic, juicing diet these herbs lessen the detrimental side effects of allopathic treatments. Lepidium peruvianum or meyenii from the Brassica family contains glucosinolates found in other members of the same plant family such as broccoli and cabbage. Glucosinolates help clear toxins, protect DNA and block the initiation of tumors.

Kelp and seaweeds also protect against radiation and provide high amounts of bioavailable minerals, particularly iodine. Withania is helpful in chemotherapy.

I have met people who have decided to take chemo alongside an anticancer diet and herbal regimen. They have not lost their hair or energy and have no nausea. The doctors tell them, "you should have been sick and bald by now!"

Nausea: Other herbs to aid digestion and reduce nausea may be needed especially when the specialist's treatment causes loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Herbs form the Apiaceae family are indicated - angelica (Angelica archangelica), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Dill (Anethum graveolens) and aniseed (Pimpinella anisum). Also very effective are peppermint, ginger and chamomile.

Pain management

1. Circulatory stimulants may be used for pain associated with cancer where blocked blood vessels cause poor circulation and ischaemia.
2. Nervine tonics - when a tumour is exerting pressure on nerves. This is the cause of most of the severe cancer pain.
3. Anti-inflammatory herbs can be used as in any condition where inflammation is a factor in pain including cancer.

Reducing inflammation is also important in maintaining health and reducing the risk and/or growth of cancer. Increased levels of pro-inflammatory markers are associated with the growth and survival of malignant cells. Moderating inflammatory mediators such as Cox 2 and leukotrienes can help decrease cancer spread. Turmeric and Bupleurum will contribute well here. Turmeric is one of nature's best anti-inflammatory agents. It reduces mast cell release of histamine.

Anticoagulant herbs are valid in the herbal treatment of cancer because abnormal blood coagulation is associated with cancer: Ginkgo, turmeric, garlic as well as quercetin, omega 3 essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

Cell proliferant, but in a healthy way, not uncontrolled and progressive as with cancer...Aloe vera, comfrEy (Symphytum officinale) and gotu kola (Centella asiatica) stimulate the healthy formation and growth of normal body cells.

Vulnerary (healing) - needed after surgery. Vulnerary herbs are also used to minimise scarring after herbal removal of skin cancers such as melanoma, basal and squamous cell carcinomas. Again, Aloe gel, comfrey and gotu kola are very successful in creating flat new tissue growth and reducing raised kelloid scars.

Herbs that inhibit angiogenesis (blood vessel formation) - because the development of a blood supply is important to the survival and growth of a tumor:
curcuminoids in turmeric catechins in Green Tea (bovine and shark cartilage, although not herbal treatment, also inhibit angiogenesis)

Thus, there is a huge number of herbs that may be used in the treatment of cancer. Commonsense can tell us to nourish the body with essential nutrients. It tells us to nurture the spirit and emotions and to utilize herbs that have been proven over the millennia, or through modern science, to provide healing properties and fight against cancer.

You can support your body to a natural solution to fighting skin cancer and other cancers with the immense natural chemicals found in plants. They act upon and within the tissues of your body, providing amazing tools for healing that your body needs.

by Moira Elliott, Medical Herbalist

I am a qualified medical herbalist and have studied the use of herbs for the treatment of skin cancer in depth.

My e-book "How to Treat Skin Cancer Naturally" gives you the specific herbs to use for skin cancer.

What you get in this book:

- descriptions of the main skin cancers,

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