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Thursday 6 October 2011

Exercise For Cancer Patients - The New Wonder Drug

We know that being active is good for healthy adults, now there's important news on exercise for cancer patients. A new report out of a leading U.K. cancer support organization finds that being active helps cancer patients cut the chances of experiencing side effects from treatment, as well as impacting the chances their cancer will come back.

All it takes is 150 minutes of moderately intense activity a week, the amount often recommended as the minimum level of activity for seeing benefits.

The latest report offers four important conclusions:

1. Women with breast cancer can see a 40% reduction in risk of recurrence or dying by getting 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise weekly.

2. People with bowel cancer can get an up to 50% reduction in the chance of recurrence and death from the disease with significant amounts of exercise - about 6 hours of moderately intensive activity weekly.

3. Prostate cancer sufferers can cut their chances of dying from this disease by 30% by getting the recommended level of activity each week.

4. All cancer sufferers can cut their risk of treatment side effects (fatigue, depression, osteoporosis, heart disease) by getting the recommended amount of moderately intense exercise each week.

To be moderately intense, the activity must have you moving briskly, with breathing that is quicker and deeper but allows you to carry on a conversation. Your face may be flushed and your heart will be beating faster than normal, but not racing.

While there's no one exercise that's right for everyone, consider some of these - biking, swimming, brisk walking, jogging are all great ways to get your body moving and your blood pumping. Of course activity around the house such as housework and cutting the grass can do the same thing.

Those who are currently undergoing cancer treatment will need to adjust their activity level to how they feel each day of course. Do what you feel up to... and if nothing else, try not to be inactive on your good days. You don't have to work out like a world class athlete either... take a walk to the mailbox, play with your pet or enjoy a game of golf... any activity is good activity.

If you, or someone you love, is a cancer patient/survivor don't underestimate the value of being active on a regular basis. Cancer organizations such as the U.K.'s Macmillan Cancer Support believe people suffering from cancer would be amazed at the incredible benefits the recommended level of physical activity can bring them. If being active were a new medication, the benefits to cancer patients would make headlines.

Experts are now coming to believe that being active on a regular basis should become a part of cancer care. So rather than resting and taking it easy... exercise for cancer patients is now recommended. Even just a little bit of movement is better than no activity at all. You'll find that being active helps to boost your energy... cuts feelings of stress and anxiety... helps your bones and heart stay strong... cuts the risk of a dangerous blood clot, and of course, helps to keep your weight under control.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on how exercise for cancer patients can be beneficial to overall health.

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Geopathic Stress - Is Excessive Exposure Contributing to Cancer?

Geopathic stress has been linked to cancer through numerous studies dating back more than 60 years and yet most people are unaware of this dangerous phenomenon. If you're unfamiliar with the term, it simply refers to the unhealthy energy generated by the Earth as well as man-made sources.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geopathic stress takes the form of natural radiation that literally rises up from the Earth. This radiation is distorted by underground cavities, fault lines, certain mineral concentrations and subterranean running water, all of which create weak electromagnetic fields. When the wavelengths of the natural occurring radiation become distorted in this way, they become a danger to any living organism, even humans.

It is also generated by the electromagnetic energy fields that are given off by many forms of modern technology such as radio or telecommunication towers, radar, transformers and electricity pylons.

Cancer Connection

The connection between geopathic stress and many serious physical and psychological conditions is not idle speculation; it is scientific fact. It has even been linked through numerous studies to cancer, despite the fact that it does not directly cause the disease. Instead, geopathic stress is responsible for dramatically weakening the body, which leaves it susceptible to the development and spread of cancer.

In fact, extensive studies have shown that more than 85% of patients who die from cancer had regular, verifiable exposure to this kind of stress, whether natural or man-made, including a study conducted by Dr. Hager, M.D. who discovered that geopathic stress was present in all 5,348 of the cancer cases he examined.

Exposure also causes chronic fatigue, immune deficiency disorders, attention deficit disorder, cardiovascular deficiency, restless sleep, irritability, sudden signs of physical aging, headaches and other chronic body pains. It has even been linked to infertility and miscarriages.

Avoiding Geopathic Stress

As serious and disturbing as the effects are, these dangerous energy zones can be avoided. The most obvious areas are those near conjunctions of high power lines, fuse boxes, electrical street poles or satellite towers. But you should also be aware of many other physical indicators of this deadly energy.

For example, cats are drawn to this energy and will actually seek out zones of geopathic stress in which to sleep. Many common pests like ants, termites and wasps are also drawn to areas of geopathic stress. Bare patches in your lawn, moss, fungi or mutated or stunted growth in your vegetable garden are also signs to look for. In addition, children are particularly sensitive to these dangerous energy zones and you will often find in the morning that they have unconsciously tucked themselves up and away from geopathic stress zones.

Fortunately, those who have suffered from the dangerous effects often make dramatic recoveries once their home or workplace is neutralized, because their bodies are no longer being bombarded by dangerous energy. This allows the body to begin the work of naturally repairing and healing itself.

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Too Little Oxygen to the Cells: The No 1 Cause of Cancer?

Cancer is one of the most frightening diseases that we as a species face today. Almost everyone has experienced the devastating impact of cancer; either first hand or from having watched a friend or loved one that suffered at the hands of this deadly disease. And yet despite the threat posed by cancer, despite the thousands who die from it each and every year, the modern medical community blatantly ignores information about the cause of cancer that has been known for almost 80 years.

How and Why Cancer Cells Form

The cause of cancer has been known since 1931 when renowned scientist Dr. Warburg won the Nobel Prize for making the startling discovery that whenever healthy, normal cells are deprived of 60% of their oxygen, they turn cancerous in an attempt to survive.

Normal cells generate energy through the process of respiration using oxygen. When cells are damaged by the buildup of carcinogens and other toxic chemicals, however, the respiratory enzymes are blocked and oxygen levels drop, which forces the cell to revert to a primitive survival mechanism: fermentation. Through the fermentation of sugars and the energy that this process provides, the damaged cell is able to continue to survive. But it's an imperfect existence.

Cells that rely on fermentation for energy become trapped in a vicious cycle of survival where all they can do is use their limited energy to divide and multiply in a bid to survive. They essentially become "dumb" cells that can no longer perform the function for which they were originally intended, nor can they communicate with the rest of the body. And as they divide and multiply, they produce excess toxins in the form of lactic acid, which prevents the transport of oxygen to neighboring cells, further exacerbating the problem.

Cure Cancer Naturally by Raising Oxygen Levels

Based on Dr. Warburg's research, the natural course of treatment for cancer would seem to be to raise oxygen levels in the cells of the body, thereby preventing them from becoming cancerous. Raising oxygen levels in cells that are already cancerous would also kill them and help to reduce cancer to a more manageable level so that the body's immune system can fight back more effectively.

Unfortunately, modern medicine has chosen to take a completely different route in "treating" cancer, if you can even call it that. Rather than addressing the root problem (lack of oxygen), they instead flood the body with toxic chemicals in the form of chemotherapy and radiation, which ultimately damages the respiratory enzymes in healthy cells and leads many of them to turn into cancer. In other words, the very treatment that is supposed to "cure" cancer, damages the body so profoundly as to leave it vulnerable to developing even more cancer cells!

A more effective treatment would be to help naturally raise your own oxygen levels by avoiding many of the harmful carcinogens, toxins and other pollutions that damage cells and cause cancer in the first place. This means avoiding or at least limiting exposure to:

Food - excitotoxins, herbicides, pesticides, agricultural chemicals, food emulsifiers, food stabilizers, artificial flavoring and colorings, preservatives, additives, refined sugar and table salt.Air - household sprays, pollens, dust mites, polluted air, toxic fumes, cleaning supplies, tobacco smoke, perfumes or stale and stagnant air.Water - industrial pollution, chemicals, rusts, heavy metals, chlorine, bacteria and water contaminated with inorganic minerals.Medical Treatments - low quality supplements, vaccinations, artificial hormones, antibiotics, chemotherapy or non-prescription and prescription drugs, which are all major poisons.Dental Treatments - fluoride treatments, braces, implants, acrylic dentures, root canals and mercury amalgam fillings.Radiation - UV radiation, CAT scans, MRI scans, ultra-sound scans, gamma rays, x-rays, cell phones, electromagnetic gadgets, microwave ovens, television waves, radio waves and radiotherapy.Household - laundry supplies, non-stick cookware, aluminum pots, gas stoves, moth balls, all kinds of household sprays, cleaning agents, heating systems, new asbestos ceilings, new carpets, varnishes and new paints.Personal Care Items - hair dyes, cosmetics that contain lead, nail polish, toothpaste, deodorants, shampoos, soaps and perfumes.

Avoiding all of these will significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer and help to promote a healthy immune system.

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Curing Cancer Is Easy - The Simple Truth Your Doctor Can't Tell You

We all know how deadly cancer is. None of us get through this life without getting cancer ourselves or losing loved ones and friends to it. Yes, cancer is indeed leading to dozens of deaths, even as you read this, but it is leading to these deaths in a way that you are not being told about.

The real cause of the millions of cancer deaths that take place every year are being directly caused by the very people who are supposed to be providing a cure - the doctors. Curing cancer is big business and these supposed "healers" are profiting from it, left and right. Unfortunately, they rarely, if ever, bring about a cure for patients. In fact, the techniques that physicians are using to treat cancer are actually bringing about death.

Cancer - Another Look At This Killer Disease

Physicians and researchers have long looked at cancer the wrong way. They see cancer as a condition. When this condition is detected in a patient, they go to great lengths to stop it. Unfortunately, cancer is not a condition, it is a symptom. The body has built in mechanisms that are designed to get rid of excess toxins. After years of being exposed to toxins in our food, air and water, the body's natural defenses will do exactly what they are supposed to do - attack the toxins and isolate them to prevent further damage to your system. In essence, a tumor is nothing more than a contained lump of these toxins that your body is keeping from being circulated through the bloodstream.

So now your physician notices one of these contained units of toxins and decides that the best treatment for curing cancer is going to be a biopsy. The doctor is going to order tests that rely on puncturing this isolated container of toxins. So what happens when they do their biopsy and lance the tumor? Of course, the tumor bursts and leaks toxins into your body. All of the work that your body has done to keep itself protected is destroyed in one, fell swoop.

Instead of helping the cancer patient, biopsies and surgeries that, hack at these tumors, end up releasing years worth of built up toxins into the bloodstream. How many people do you know who had cancer (most likely for years before it was ever discovered), only to go through surgery and then die within a year? This kind of nonsense happens every day, and it doesn't need to.

Embracing Body's Self-Healing Mechanism

Physicians need to work with the body's natural process for getting rid of toxins. Instead of ordering tests and surgeries that do nothing more than release toxins that the body's healing mechanisms have isolated, they need to first see how tumors really work and then introduce nutrients to the body that will help it to get rid of these toxins naturally.

Curing cancer should build on the work that the body's natural defenses are already doing. The symptom of too many toxins is cancerous tumors. Instead of thwarting the efforts of the body's natural defenses with surgery, or chemotherapy, doctors need to assist the body in removing these built up toxicities naturally. Change will only come when physicians look away from cancer as a condition and see it for what it really is - a symptom of excessive toxins in the human body.

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The Secret Within You That Can Cure Cancer

Most people fail to realize just how remarkable our innate healing abilities are. It's not just common colds that our bodies are capable of fighting off, but deadly diseases as well; even cancer cannot withstand the natural healing power of our own bodies.

Unfortunately, we often make the mistake of interfering with these natural healing processes despite the fact that our bodies already employ healing techniques that are light years ahead of even the most sophisticated technology and medicine available today. As a result, we needlessly suffer more than we would have had we simply left our bodies to work their healing magic.

The Truth about Modern Medicine

Practitioners of western medicine are trained to address the symptoms of the diseases and ailments that we suffer from rather than the root cause of the problem. For example, many people suffer from chronic dehydration because they simply do not consume enough water in their daily lives.

When the body becomes dehydrated, it takes steps to reduce water loss. One of the first steps it takes is to create histamines that constrict the bronchial tubes, which results in making it more difficult to breath. Doctors often interpret this as asthma and prescribe anti-histamines that relax the bronchial tubes and exacerbate the problem, leaving the patient more dehydrated than before!

This is only one example of how modern medicine interferes with the natural healing processes of the body and fortunately, the results are generally not life threatening in this particular case. But western medicine also misdiagnoses virtually all expressions of physiology such as cancer, and the "treatments" they use such as chemotherapy and radiation are far more devastating than the diseases they seek to treat.

Western doctors don't realize that cancer is simply the body's way of expressing that there is an imbalance in the body, which, in the case of cancer, is caused by cellular miscommunication. That imbalance can be corrected through simple changes in diet, mental state, environment and exposure to sunlight rather than flooding the body with the poisonous toxins used in chemotherapy.

Unleash Your Natural Healing Ability

Our bodies are true miracles of nature; they don't need the help of modern medicines to heal, they do that automatically around the clock on their own with no intervention whatsoever from us. Your body does not require you to flood it with chemicals and unnatural therapies; it simply needs you to be more responsible in avoiding all of the toxins that we encounter in everyday life so that it can heal itself.

This means that you should avoid unnecessary pharmaceuticals, MSG, artificial sweeteners or any other processed food ingredients. You should also avoid harmful chemicals found in cosmetics and personal care products as well as those found in lawn care products and household cleaners. Finally, you should also avoid any meat products that come from animals which have been pumped full of antibiotics and hormones.

Unleashing your natural healing ability is actually a very simple process. Remember, your body is already a miraculous, self-healing organism. You simply need to learn how to not interfere with your innate healing ability so that your body can take care of itself.

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Curing Cancer - Chemotherapy Is A Killer Not A Cure

Cancer is a plague on the face of the Earth. Think about the millions of people that are killed by cancer every year and the multi-millions of loved ones whose lives are affected as a result. Chemotherapy is currently the most popular method for "curing cancer", but is it really a cure?

A closer look at this methodology, so commonly used all over the world as a supposed cancer cure, reveals a very different truth altogether. Many patients, in desperate, life or death situations, are given a prescription for chemotherapy that ends up being a very real death sentence, instead of offering the cure that they are in search of.

Death Doesn't Bring Healing

The whole concept of how chemotherapy works is illogical to the point that it would be funny if the stakes were not so high. Chemotherapy drugs work by bringing the host of the cancerous cells (the cancer patient), so close to the point of death that the cancer cells are forced to die. Imagine trying to rid a vegetable garden of a few weeds by bombarding it with harsh, death causing poisons.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't expect any of the vegetables in that garden to survive, let alone consume any that did. Yet that same bill of goods is being sold to cancer patients and their families every single day. Physicians and hospitals promise to rid patients of cancer by introducing deadly chemicals into their bodies. It kind of goes against the "First, do no harm" clause of the Hippocratic Oath, doesn't it?

Curing Cancer - The Live Giving Truth

Real healing for any kind of disease, including cancer, must be based on life giving principles and treatments, not death causing chemicals. Chemotherapy drugs are simply left over mustard gas concoctions that do exactly what they were designed to do - kill! Cancer can be managed, dealt with and cured by simpler, life giving treatments. As you know, vitamins and minerals are available that contribute greatly to our health. Simple intravenous injections of Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide for 12 days wipes out cancer and it only costs a few dollars to do it.

Instead of buying into the deadly chemotherapy that is offered for curing cancer, it is time to wake up and realize that only life giving; healthy treatments can bring true healing for cancer patients. The ruse of chemotherapy has gone on for too long, and it is time for the world to wake up and look at the garbage the government and media are forcing on us as treatments.

These treatments are nothing but ways to expedite death sentences on cancer patients. There are ways to cure cancer, but the government, physicians and the media are not telling you the whole truth about the real cures. It's time to stop the medical industry from draining millions of dollars from cancer patients for expensive chemotherapy treatments that only bring about death as the final result.

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Cesium Chloride: One of the Most Proven and Potent Cancer Cures

Cesium is a highly alkaline mineral that has proven to be effective in treating various forms of cancer. In fact, cesium chloride is so effective that it has been used to successfully treat stage four cancer patients as well as those who suffer from cancers like lymphoma and leukemia, even though the cancer has already metastasized throughout the entire body.

Best of all, it is one of the least expensive cancer cures in the world, unlike chemotherapy and radiation treatments that can leave patients and families financially ruined.

Brief History of Cesium Chloride

Cesium chloride's cancer fighting properties were discovered back in the 1930s when A. Keith Brewer, a physicist, became involved in cancer research and developed a treatment protocol that was based on the potent alkaline mineral. The cancer treatment he developed was so effective that all 30 patients in his trial survived various forms of cancer.

Later trials conducted by another cancer researcher, Dr. H.E. Sartori in 1981 also delivered similar results with one notable exception - all of his patients were considered terminal or "end of life" - in other words, doctors had already written them off, yet Sartori's cancer treatment protocol helped half of his patients survive when modern medicine and all of the supposed advanced cancer cures had failed!

How Cesium Chloride Works

Cancerous cells in the body do not receive enough oxygen because they have a hardened outer membrane that is all but impenetrable. Without sufficient oxygen, these cells cannot oxidize glucose for energy but must instead rely on fermentation to generate the fuel they need to survive. Unfortunately, this process increases the presence of lactic acid, which short-circuits the cell's ability to control cell growth, leading to the rampant, uncontrolled cell growth that is associated with cancer.

Fortunately, cesium chloride has the unique ability to penetrate the hardened membranes of these cancerous cells. After breaching the outer defenses of cancer cells, cesium chloride, with its high alkalinity, raises the cell's pH levels back to normal and prevents the cell from fermenting glucose for energy, which effectively causes the cancerous cells to starve.

Best of all, this treatment protocol only targets cancer cells, not healthy ones unlike the widespread, untargeted devastation that chemotherapy, radiation and other supposed cancer cures cause to any and all cells in their path.

The Most Potent Cancer Cure You Never Heard About

There's a reason why most cancer patients have never heard of cesium chloride, despite the fact that its effectiveness has been known for 80 years - the medical community and drug companies are greedy! They would rather continue pushing ineffective and outrageously expensive toxic chemical treatments rather than accept the fact that an effective, inexpensive cure was found decades ago.

Health practitioners using cesium chloride protocols on their patients have even been attacked by the Medical Community, which means that many patients end up treating themselves. Fortunately, unlike other cancer cures, cesium chloride is a treatment protocol that requires very little supervision or knowledge, which makes it an attractive alternative to the treatments currently being pushed by the mainstream medical community.

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Recommended Diet for Cancer Patients to Follow

Experts believe that following a healthy diet for cancer can be used as an important component of cancer cure. A well-balanced diet and good nutrition give the body proper nutrients and energy required in this battle against the cancerous cells. Here are some general ideas that you can use today in your battle against cancer.

Fruits and Vegetables

No one doubts that eating lots of fruits and vegetables will give your body valuable and useful substances for fighting off cancerous cells. This group of foods are just loaded with minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. Raw vegetables are probably the best, in general, because all the practical chemicals are kept intact for your body to absorb and use.

Fruits such as oranges and lemons contain anti-cancer chemicals that have been shown in studies to stop cancer cells from growing. In addition, fruits and vegetables are rich in anti-oxidants, chemicals that can remove harmful oxygen free radicals that damage the genetic materials in cells, thus leading to cancer formation.


While there is no scientific evidence to show that getting enough water would be beneficial for cancer, it is probably a good idea to do so anyways. Lack of water puts the body under stress. In addition, it does not allow toxins to be flushed away. Experts recommend drinking 8 glasses of water per day. If you don't like drinking water, add some lemon juice in it. There's evidence that citrus fruits like lemon and oranges may be useful in cancer treatment and prevention. Otherwise, just go for fruit juices, preferably the ones with no sugar added.

Protein Sources and Dairy Products

A diet high in proteins such as lean meats, chicken, beans and fish is good for cancer patients. The reason is because they are needed to keep the bone strong and for tissue repair. It is also needed to promote growth and skin repair. This is especially true if individual with cancer is getting chemotherapy or radiation therapy. All forms of conventional cancer therapy also damage the good cells in the body. There is no way around this.

When selecting dairy products, select low-fat products. Consider eating more of low-fat yogurt, milk and cheese rather than those with normal fat contents. Some experts suggest hard cheese such as cheddar or Swiss rather than soft cheese.

Grain Foods

When deciding which type of grains, always select whole grains. This food group is a good source of carbohydrates for those suffering from cancer. Carbohydrates are used by the body for generating energy. Examples of grains include rice, pasta, cereals and breads. Keep away from refined products. Always check the box to ensure that you pick more of whole grains rather than refined grains. For example, choose more of whole grain breads rather than white breads.

Population studies have uncovered that a well balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits seems to cut down the chances of certain types of cancer. While there is no research to clearly prove that following a balanced diet could cure cancer, it does make sense. This will give the body the best chance of getting rid of existing cancer cells and give the patients the energy necessary to survive through these rather difficult times.

Visit Natural Cancer Remedies to find out many natural supplements, vitamins and natural remedies that are used around the world to prevent and treat cancer.

Find out of citrus fruits like lemon is effective for cancer cure. See the article Lemon Cancer Cure to find out the truth.

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