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Thursday 6 October 2011

The Secret Within You That Can Cure Cancer

Most people fail to realize just how remarkable our innate healing abilities are. It's not just common colds that our bodies are capable of fighting off, but deadly diseases as well; even cancer cannot withstand the natural healing power of our own bodies.

Unfortunately, we often make the mistake of interfering with these natural healing processes despite the fact that our bodies already employ healing techniques that are light years ahead of even the most sophisticated technology and medicine available today. As a result, we needlessly suffer more than we would have had we simply left our bodies to work their healing magic.

The Truth about Modern Medicine

Practitioners of western medicine are trained to address the symptoms of the diseases and ailments that we suffer from rather than the root cause of the problem. For example, many people suffer from chronic dehydration because they simply do not consume enough water in their daily lives.

When the body becomes dehydrated, it takes steps to reduce water loss. One of the first steps it takes is to create histamines that constrict the bronchial tubes, which results in making it more difficult to breath. Doctors often interpret this as asthma and prescribe anti-histamines that relax the bronchial tubes and exacerbate the problem, leaving the patient more dehydrated than before!

This is only one example of how modern medicine interferes with the natural healing processes of the body and fortunately, the results are generally not life threatening in this particular case. But western medicine also misdiagnoses virtually all expressions of physiology such as cancer, and the "treatments" they use such as chemotherapy and radiation are far more devastating than the diseases they seek to treat.

Western doctors don't realize that cancer is simply the body's way of expressing that there is an imbalance in the body, which, in the case of cancer, is caused by cellular miscommunication. That imbalance can be corrected through simple changes in diet, mental state, environment and exposure to sunlight rather than flooding the body with the poisonous toxins used in chemotherapy.

Unleash Your Natural Healing Ability

Our bodies are true miracles of nature; they don't need the help of modern medicines to heal, they do that automatically around the clock on their own with no intervention whatsoever from us. Your body does not require you to flood it with chemicals and unnatural therapies; it simply needs you to be more responsible in avoiding all of the toxins that we encounter in everyday life so that it can heal itself.

This means that you should avoid unnecessary pharmaceuticals, MSG, artificial sweeteners or any other processed food ingredients. You should also avoid harmful chemicals found in cosmetics and personal care products as well as those found in lawn care products and household cleaners. Finally, you should also avoid any meat products that come from animals which have been pumped full of antibiotics and hormones.

Unleashing your natural healing ability is actually a very simple process. Remember, your body is already a miraculous, self-healing organism. You simply need to learn how to not interfere with your innate healing ability so that your body can take care of itself.

Download your free ebook 15 Secrets to Super Health that could put you on the fast-track to Super Health.

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