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Friday 2 September 2011

Germs Don't Cause Cancer

The germs involved in an infection become active and infectious only when physical impurities and waste matter have gathered or tissue damage has already occurred. This is true whether they are of a bacterial or viral origin and whether they are generated within the body or introduced from the external environment. Destructive microorganisms (those involved in an infection) simply have no business in a clean, well-circulated, and oxygen-rich environment. There is nothing to be disposed of, and no immune response is necessary (fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, an increase of immune cells, or other such self-defensive measures) to protect the body.

Even if harmful germs were to enter cell tissue in a healthy body, they would do it no harm. A virus simply cannot penetrate into the nucleus of a well-oxygenated cell because exposure to oxygen would kill it. A well-oxygenated cell also produces powerful anti-viral drugs, such as interferon. If for some reason a virus has made contact with a cell, but its presence is not beneficial to the body, the virus will be destroyed by the cell's defense mechanisms or the general immune system. Viruses do not help cells mutate into cancer cells, unless this is in the best interest of the body. We should not fall into the trap of misinterpreting this to be an act of self-destruction. It is important to recall at this point that cancer is not a disease but a survival mechanism that occurs only when all other protective measures have failed.

There is profound purpose and intelligence at every level of physical creation, from the smallest of particles to the most complex star clusters in the large-scale universe. Just because many scientists and doctors prefer to see nature as behaving in a random, incoherent fashion does not mean it actually is chaotic and unpredictable. Cancer is not as chaotic as the "experts" would have us believe. It has as much purpose and meaning as does a virus or bacterium. A virus only infects the nucleus of a cell that is on the verge of becoming anaerobic. To find virus material in cancer cells is, therefore, not proof that viruses cause cancer. In fact, viruses try to prevent the demise of the body. They are created for the body and by the body. It is completely normal for weak, deteriorating cells to transform their protits colloids into bacteria, viruses, and fungi to help prevent more damage to the body than has already occurred due to the accumulation of toxic waste matter.

Suppressing an infection, such as chickenpox, with germ-killing medication destroys much of the germ population. However, it is the germ population that helps to stimulate a much-needed immune response to rid the body of cancer-causing toxins. Modern vaccination programs are largely responsible for the significant deterioration of natural immunity among the vaccinated populations around the world today. The body does not acquire real immunity to infectious diseases by exposing it to vaccines (antibody production alone does not create immunity); in fact, with each vaccine the immune system becomes more depleted.

New vaccines that, for example, are said to prevent cervical cancer (connected with the human papilloma virus or HPV) merely force the body to move toxins into other areas. This may give rise to the appearance that the "enemy" is dead and the body is now cured and safe. Not by a long shot! The short-term gain of becoming symptom-free through the use of such magic bullet approaches can have serious repercussions in the long-term. These treatments aimed at producing a quick symptomatic relief actually prevent the body from employing the assistance of destructive microbes to help break down and remove deposits in the body that resemble nuclear waste.

The toxic waste and cell debris gathered in the body can act like a time bomb, but most people do not want to hear it ticking. They stick their heads in the sand, hoping that somehow the problem will simply go away. However, when the ticking becomes too unnerving and frightening (symptoms), the resulting visit to the doctor will lead to the smashing of the timing device, but will leave the bomb intact. Hence, it is just a matter of time before the bomb explodes; only this time, since the clock is now gone, there won't be much of a warning. On the other hand, allowing the body to receive assistance from destructive germs may not only defuse the time bomb but also dismantle it. The toxic secretions from these microbes prompt the immune system to launch a preemptive strike against potential cancer formation. A spontaneous remission of cancer is not a rare miracle. It happens in millions of people who unknowingly diffuse these "time bombs" through an infection, such as the simple cold or flu. This is how 95 percent of all cancers come and go without any medical intervention.

Based on current statistical information, we can estimate that treating cancer with suppressive methods, e.g. radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery, reduces the chance of complete remission from 28% percent to 7% or less. In other words, medical treatment is responsible for the deaths of at least 21,000 people in every 100,000 cancer patients! These 21,000 people would recover if they did not receive any treatment at all. According to the American Cancer Society's estimated 2008 cancer mortality rates, 565,650 men and women will die from cancer this year (2008). That's 6,000 deaths more than in 2007. In a country that supposedly has the most advanced and successful medical system in the world, this trend clearly shows that the currently applied symptom-oriented approaches to cancer are heavily flawed and in fact, have failed.


This is an excerpt from 'CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE, IT'S A SURVIVAL MECHANISM' by Andreas Moritz


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